Crash in takeChild() while deleting a QTreeWidgetItem
LAXMIU: ... or just mark the code with your mouse and click on the second icon from the right (the one with the tooltip "Code").
This thread kind of reminds me of computer magazines in the early 80ties...
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1286270859"]This thread kind of reminds me of computer magazines in the early 80ties...[/quote]
A lot of code and small amount of text?:)
I have removed unnecessary repetition of code from the thread.
Hopefully its readable now.Thanks,
Laxmi -
ok laxmi, I copied all the code and tried on Qt 4.7, no crashes ... any specific reason you are still on Qt 4.5.x ?
Thanks a lot Chetan,
We have migrated from 4.4.1 to 4.5.3 in one of our product releases. Hopefully, we will be getting the latest Qt version attached for our next product release.
May I get any pointer that its actually a bug in Qt 4.5.3?
Have you been able to reproduce the crash in Qt 4.5.3? (If thats available with you)Thanks,
Laxmi -
"Qt 4.5.3 bug filed for this issue":
hi laxmi, can u convert it to a link
Hi Chetan, I did .
4.5.3 is old :( ... it would map to Qt 2009.?? can you let me know