Qt 4.8.0 Setting OpenGL to CoreProfile throws STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN encountered
Hi all. After reading this "nice and fresh article":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/How_to_use_OpenGL_Core_Profile_with_Qt#0b79795d3efc95b9976c7c5b933afce2 on setting OpenGL 3.3 with Qt I tried doing it by myself.So I am getting frozen app with :
Switching to QGLFormat::CompatibilityProfile solves the problem. Anybody is experiencing the same ?
I am using MSVC2010 compiler as with MinGW glew lib doesn't work.
I got you but because the GLEW I have downloaded from the GLEW project website doesn't link when using MinGW I work with MSVC .And as I have said ,setting to the CoreProfile gives me STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN.Anybody can confirm that defining CoreProfile needs MinGW compiler ?
Yes I can. I am in the process of merging the fix into Qt 5 and 4.8. I need to resolve a build issue on the Mac first though. I will look at this tonight or tomorrow.
The issue is "here":http://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,16794 if you are interested to watch it.