List element label is invisible when a script is working!
Hello all, this may be a tricky problem :C
I have a list model like that,
school.qmlLeftTextMenu{ id:leftMenu model:schoolStuff selection: true onClicked: function(ind) { changeTarget(ind+1); } } // WorkerScript { // id: worker // source: "qrc:/scripts/modelworker.js" // } ListModel{ id: schoolStuff ListElement{ name: qsTr("My Grades") target: 1 selected: false } ListElement{ name: qsTr("GPA Calculator") target: 2 selected: false } ListElement{ name: qsTr("Academic Calendar") target: 3 selected: false } } Repeater { model:schoolStuff Text { text: name } }
If I enable the WorkerScript, labels become invisible. And if I disable it, labels goes visible, but app does not understands that the item is selected, colors won't change, console longs won't be printed etc... Following script,
modelworker.jsWorkerScript.onMessage = function(msg) { var ind = msg.ind; var model = msg.model for(var i=0;i<model.count;i++) { model.setProperty(i,"selected",false); } console.log("index : "+ind); model.setProperty(ind,"selected",true); model.sync(); }
What can be causing this guys? And how can I solve this?
Thanks! -
Hi @closx , there are few mistakes in your code, i have changed your code and have written a sample code which will help you achieve your functionality.
- Dont use a repeater inside the ListView, you should just specify the delegate, if you are using something like a ColumnLayout then you can use a repeater.
Sample Code:-
ListView{ id:leftMenu model: schoolStuff width: 100 height: 100 delegate: Text { id: txt text: name color: activeFocus ? "red" : "black" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { txt.forceActiveFocus() console.log(text) } } } } ListModel{ id: schoolStuff ListElement{ name: qsTr("My Grades") target: 1 selected: false } ListElement{ name: qsTr("GPA Calculator") target: 2 selected: false } ListElement{ name: qsTr("Academic Calendar") target: 3 selected: false } }
- So when you click on the text the color of the text will change to red.
Sample Output:-
In the logs iam just printing the text.
Note:- You can remove the target and selected property from the ListModel i guess because you were using them just for highlighting.
@Shrinidhi-Upadhyaya said in List element label is invisible when a script is working!:
Dont use a repeater inside the ListView, you should just specify the delegate
There's no
in OP's code though.@closx What is
? -
@Shrinidhi-Upadhyaya You are the best! Thanks for your answer!
Actually, I need the target and that "index" function. Because when you select the item, something changes in screen and it is connected to that "target" and stuff.
I have my code changed like that,LeftTextMenu{ id:leftMenu model:schoolStuff selection: true // onClicked: function(ind) // { // changeTarget(ind+1); // } delegate: LeftTextButton { id: txt text: name color: activeFocus ? GSystem.leftTextMenuItemPressedColor : GSystem.leftTextMenuItemColor MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: function(ind){ txt.forceActiveFocus(); console.log(text); changeTarget(ind+1); } } } } // WorkerScript { // id: worker // source: "qrc:/scripts/modelworker.js" // } ListModel{ id: schoolStuff ListElement{ name: qsTr("My Grades") target: 1 selected: false } ListElement{ name: qsTr("GPA Calculator") target: 2 selected: false } ListElement{ name: qsTr("Academic Calendar") target: 3 selected: false } }
So, backgrounds are changing by selecting the button now. But it is like stucked in the first page "My Grades"...
Again, thanks for your help! -
@GrecKo Hello,
LeftTextMenu is a preset that I use for menus. It calls another preset "LeftTextButton" and does the setting. For ex,
LeftTextButton.qmlimport QtQuick 2.0 import ck.gmachine 1.0 Rectangle { id: root property alias text: caption.text property alias area: marea property color clickbg: GSystem.leftTextMenuItemPressedColor property color bgcolor: GSystem.leftTextMenuItemColor property bool selection: false width:200 height:75 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter color:bgcolor Text{ id:caption font.italic: true font.pixelSize: 24 color: "white" anchors.centerIn: parent } MouseArea{ id:marea anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor // onPressed: color = clickbg; // onReleased: color = bgcolor; } }
@GrecKo , i thought he had custom ListView, as the name suggested a menu and he was also assinging it a model, if iam wrong iam sorry :-)
@closx , if you are using a ListView and then you can just update the currentIndex,
leftMenu.currentIndex = index console.log(text) console.log(leftMenu.currentIndex)
So when you click on the Text the currentIndex of the ListView will get updated.
If you tell me what is expected UI and what you want to do, maybe i could suggest a better solution.
@Shrinidhi-Upadhyaya Hello and thanks for your answer!
Actually, Now I understood what @GrecKo asked to me. Well, LeftTextMenu is a ListView inside a Rectangle. The root is rectangle.Rectangle { id:root x:0 clip:true anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter property alias delegate: mview.delegate property alias model: mview.model property bool selection: false signal clicked(int index) signal released(int index) color: GSystem.leftTextMenuColor width: GSystem.leftTextMenuWidth height:GSystem.leftTextMenuHeight ListView{ id:mview interactive: false anchors.verticalCenter: root.verticalCenter anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 20 spacing:20 delegate: txtmenudlg width:root.width height: mview.model.count * 95 focus:true } Component { id:txtmenudlg LeftTextButton{ id:wrapper text :qsTr(name)// + mytrans.emptyString bgcolor:(model.selected)?GSystem.leftTextMenuItemPressedColor:GSystem.leftTextMenuItemColor area.onPressed: { //...
Hello all, I finally figured it out what is wrong. It is a known QT bug (QTBUG-32850). (see more:
qsTr is not working with javascript and QT_TR_NOOP cannot be translated. So I got my whole software translated (316 labels) but I cannot translate JUST THREE OF THEM :( I guess I am going to create 4 pages for 4 languages and make the language difference by page difference...
Does anyone knows how can I solve? -patch on the website I just mentioned does not work- -
@KroMignon Oh! mine is 5.12.3 lmao
So this should not be the bug I am talking about right :D
But what else can it be?
Use the javascript -> qsTr does not visible, functions works
Do not use -> qsTr visible, functions wont work -
@closx said in List element label is invisible when a script is working!:
But what else can it be?
I guess you have a JavaScriptEngine error, something in your JavaScript and/or QML try to access to something which is not define or null.
This is why I reduce as much as I can JavaScript and QML and move all whatever possible to C++/native world. On JSEngine error the execution just stop on error and continue with next event... It is very hard to find them because you have to go through each case to be sure nothing has been misspelled!Can you see any QML warning/error in debug console?
@KroMignon said in List element label is invisible when a script is working!:
@closx said in List element label is invisible when a script is working!:
But what else can it be?
I guess you have a JavaScriptEngine error, something in your JavaScript and/or QML try to access to something which is not define or null.
This is why I reduce as much as I can JavaScript and QML and move all whatever possible to C++/native world. On JSEngine error the execution just stop on error and continue with next event... It is very hard to find them because you have to go through each case to be sure nothing has been misspelled!Can you see any QML warning/error in debug console?
I guess that is the disappointing part of QML. There is no any error message or warning. I should always find what is wrong. I guess that is why I always asking questions to the experts here :D After I started to learn QML, I learned how faultless C++ is... Thanks for your attention! I will focus on another solution method!
See you :D