'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function
I am trying to compile qt charts 5.12 using MSVC2010 64bit compiler.
When I run qmake I get following errors:
Why am I getting following errors ?
C:/Tools/QTCharts_5.12/qtcharts-5.12/qtcharts.pro:5: 'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function.
C:/Tools/QTCharts_5.12/qtcharts-5.12/examples/charts/barmodelmapper/barmodelmapper.pro:2: 'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function.
Project file(barmodelmapper.pro) not recursed because all requirements not met:
C:/Tools/QTCharts_5.12/qtcharts-5.12/examples/charts/chartthemes/chartthemes.pro:2: 'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function.
Project file(chartthemes.pro) not recursed because all requirements not met:
C:/Tools/QTCharts_5.12/qtcharts-5.12/examples/charts/modeldata/modeldata.pro:2: 'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function.
Project file(modeldata.pro) not recursed because all requirements not met:
C:/Tools/QTCharts_5.12/qtcharts-5.12/examples/charts/piechartcustomization/piechartcustomization.pro:2: 'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function.
Project file(piechartcustomization.pro) not recursed because all requirements not met:
qtConfig(combobox) -
You probably need to compile this module together with the rest of Qt
@QtVik said in 'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function:
I am trying to compile it using Qt 5.5.1 uisng MSVC 2010 compiler.It won't work. Charts were added in Qt 5.7 to open source version, and QtCharts from 5.12 definitely won't compile on Qt 5.5.
In 5.5, they were still a commercial add-on. So you need to get in touch with Qt Company to get the 5.5 source code for QtCharts.