main window doesn't open although program is running
I have a small gui that should display some voltage values that comes in over a serial port.
The thing is that the gui is not loaded after starting the programm, although I see the values comming in in the debug output. So the programm itself is running somehow.
When I remove the part where I read the serial port the gui is shown.What is wrong here?
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { strVoltages << "Voltage 1" << "Voltage 2" << "Voltage 3"; ui->setupUi(this); this->createLayout(); this->readValues(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::readValues() { QSerialPort port; port.setPortName("COM3"); port.setBaudRate(115200); port.setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data8); port.setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity); port.setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop); port.setFlowControl(QSerialPort::NoFlowControl); if (! { qDebug() << "Error opening serial port: " << port.errorString() << endl; } else { while(1) { while (!port.canReadLine()) port.waitForReadyRead(-1); while (port.canReadLine()) { QString strIn(port.readLine()); QStringList strList = strIn.split(','); if(strList.count() == strVoltages.length()) { int iLCDCounter = 0; foreach(QString strTmp, strList) {>display(strTmp); qDebug() << strTmp; } } } } } } void MainWindow::createLayout() { QVBoxLayout * vBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); for(int iItr = 0; iItr < strVoltages.length(); iItr++) { lDescription.append(new QLabel(; lLCDNumber.append(new QLCDNumber()); QHBoxLayout *hBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); hBoxLayout->addWidget(lDescription.last()); hBoxLayout->addWidget(lLCDNumber.last()); vBoxLayout->addLayout(hBoxLayout); } QWidget *w = new QWidget(); w->setLayout(vBoxLayout); setCentralWidget(w); }
@LeoC said in main window doesn't open although program is running:
while(1) {
That loop never exits.
Your code/GUI might be better written using signals for reading the data instead of
etc. Get the main window up & showing without waiting, and display the values as & when they arrive via signals/slots. -
why do you use while(1)??? have you heard of signal and slot?? use it!!
while(1) is useful for programming microcontrollers .. In Qt we use signal and slots
@LeoC said in main window doesn't open although program is running:
What is wrong here?
It looks like the while() loop... You are supposed to work with signals & slots in Qt.
You may want to look at this example for serial terminal. I guess you'll grasp a good idea about how to work with the serial port
Sorry for my late response.
It isn't the first time I use Qt and I heard about signals and slots of course. In this case I needed a very fast (and maybe dirty) solution so that I just copied 'something' from the internet. Shouldn't do this again. After you gave me the right hint I abandoned the above solution (since it didn't worked anyway) and started from scratch again. Not it works as it should do.
If someone is interested:
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { strVoltages << "Voltage 1" << "Voltage 2" << "Voltage 3"; iMinSize = (3 * strVoltages.count() + strVoltages.count() - 1); iMaxSize = (4 * strVoltages.count() + strVoltages.count() - 1); bInvokedFirstTime = false; bInvokedSecondTime = false; ui->setupUi(this); this->setWindowTitle("Voltmeter"); connect(&port,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(readValues())); this->createLayout(); this->configureSerialPort(); this->readValues(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::configureSerialPort() { port.setPortName("COM3"); port.setBaudRate(115200); port.setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data8); port.setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity); port.setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop); port.setFlowControl(QSerialPort::NoFlowControl); if (! { qDebug() << "Error opening serial port: " << port.errorString() << endl; } else qDebug() << "Serial port is ready"; } void MainWindow::displayValues(QByteArray baTmp) { QStringList strListValues = QString(baTmp).split(","); int iLoopCounter = 0; foreach(QString strTmp, strListValues) {>display(strTmp); bool bCheck; double dNumber = strTmp.toDouble(&bCheck); if(dNumber < 10)>setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : red; }"); iLoopCounter++; } } void MainWindow::readValues() { if(bInvokedFirstTime) { baDataIn.append(port.readAll()); if(!bInvokedSecondTime) { int iPosOfExlM = baDataIn.indexOf("!"); if(iPosOfExlM < iMinSize) { baDataIn = baDataIn.right(baDataIn.length() - (iPosOfExlM+1)); bInvokedSecondTime = true; } } int iLengthOfDataIn; while(baDataIn.length() > iMaxSize) { int iPosOfExlM = baDataIn.indexOf("!"); QByteArray baTmp; if(iPosOfExlM != -1) { baTmp = baDataIn.left(iPosOfExlM); baDataIn = baDataIn.right(baDataIn.length() - (iPosOfExlM+1)); iLengthOfDataIn = baDataIn.length(); if(baTmp.length() >= iMinSize && baTmp.length() <= iMaxSize) { this->displayValues(baTmp); } } } } if(!bInvokedFirstTime) { bInvokedFirstTime = true; QByteArray baTmp = port.readAll(); } } void MainWindow::createLayout() { QVBoxLayout * vBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); QFont f( "Arial", 30, QFont::Bold); for(int iItr = 0; iItr < strVoltages.length(); iItr++) { lDescription.append(new QLabel(; lDescription.last()->setFont(f); lDescription.last()->setFixedWidth(200); lLCDNumber.append(new QLCDNumber()); lLCDNumber.last()->setFixedHeight(100); lIndicator.append(new QLabel()); lIndicator.last()->setFixedWidth(100); lIndicator.last()->setFixedHeight(100); lIndicator.last()->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : grey; }"); QHBoxLayout *hBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); hBoxLayout->addWidget(lDescription.last()); hBoxLayout->addWidget(lLCDNumber.last()); hBoxLayout->addWidget(lIndicator.last()); vBoxLayout->addLayout(hBoxLayout); } QPushButton *bReset = new QPushButton("Reset"); vBoxLayout->addWidget(bReset); connect(bReset,SIGNAL(pressed()),this,SLOT(resetMeasurement())); QWidget *w = new QWidget(); w->setLayout(vBoxLayout); setCentralWidget(w); } void MainWindow::resetMeasurement() { foreach(QLabel *lTmp, lIndicator) { lTmp->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : grey; }"); } }
if is working please mark this as solved from the menu... Many thanks