QML Call function from another QML
Hi. I have again a question, which I haven't found solution for now. I need to call in specific event function from another QML object.
I have this:main.qml
import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.10 .... Window { id: root visible: true .... StackView { id: mainStackView; anchors.fill: parent initialItem: mainPage } Component { id: mainPage CalendarView {} } Component { id: viewPage //property alias viewComponent: viewPageEventViewElement EventView { id:viewPageEventViewElement } /*onCompleted: { viewPageEventViewElement.setEvent(calendarWindow.currentEvent); }*/ /*function setEvent(modelobj) { viewPageEventViewElement.setEvent(modelobj); }*/ } }
import QtQuick 2.2 .... Item { id: calendarWindow .... //property var currentEvent .... MouseArea { .... onClicked: { //calendarWindow.currentEvent = modelData if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { .... } else { mainStackView.push(viewPage); //viewPageEventViewElement.setEvent(modelData); } } .... } .... }
import QtQuick 2.2 .... Item { id: eventWindow .... function setEvent(modelobj) { .... }
So, I've tried to make property for component in main.qml - I've got crashing with 255. When I comment line with property, program works (but not events). Also, I've tried to call event using component ID - viewPageEventViewElement. It says that reference for this ID not defined. I've tried to use properties in CalendarView.qml (currentEvent property), and call it from main.qml, and I've got same as first error - program doesn't running, and sends 255 error. I've heard about signals, but I think (and I hope) it has another easy looking solution for this, because I need an argument for function too. Thank you.
Hi @AriosJentu , i guess you just need to call a function of another Class.
I have made few changes to your code and have written a sample code:-
Item { id: calendarWindow height: 100 width: 100 //property var currentEvent //####Display Purpose Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "red" } MouseArea { onClicked: { //calendarWindow.currentEvent = modelData if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { } else { mainStackView.push(viewPage); //viewPageEventViewElement.setEvent(modelData); } } } function setEventCV(txt) { console.log(txt) } }
Item { id: eventWindow height: 100 width: 100 //####Display Purpose Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "green" } function setEventEV(txt) { console.log(txt) } }
StackView { id: mainStackView; anchors.fill: parent initialItem: mainPage } Component { id: mainPage Row { spacing: 10 EventView { Component.onCompleted: { setEventEV("Event View"); } } CalendarView { Component.onCompleted: { setEventCV("Calendar View"); } } } }
Sample Output:-
Thank you. But, as you see, I need to call function from CalendarView class for EventVIew class. Here - when I press something on CalendarView, I've send event with some parameters of CalendarView to EventView, and I think, your code isn't work in my situation. But also, thank you, I've understood how it works using it in Main class.
Hi @AriosJentu , i guess you can do that:-
Give an id to EventView in main.qml, something like this:-
EventView { id: ev }
Make this code change inside CalendarView.qml
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { ev.setEventEV("EventView"); } }
So when you click on the red Rectangle, you will get a log "EventView":-
Also, thank you. But I've already got to EventView it's id, but I can't call it from another file:
main.qml:.... Component { id: viewPage EventView { id: viewPageEventViewElement } } ....
I've also added to EventView.qml function just to send info in log:
EventView.qml:.... function sendMessage(message) { console.log(message); } ....
And then I call this function for object with viewPageEventViewElement id in my CalendarView.qml:
MouseArea { onClicked: { //calendarWindow.currentEvent = modelData if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { } else { mainStackView.push(viewPage); viewPageEventViewElement.sendMessage("Hello world!"); //<<<< Line 277 //viewPageEventViewElement.setEvent(modelData); } } }
And I've got this:
qrc:/qml/CalendarView.qml:277: ReferenceError: viewPageEventViewElement is not defined
Same as start of the topic.
I think, maybe it will be better send my EventView class outside of it's component in main.qml, but I need to add it inside component using ID, but I don't know, how.
Also, check full code you can here: My GitHub -
Found solution.
I've just used StackView's parameter - currentItem, and for it I called a setEvent method:MouseArea { onClicked: { if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { } else { mainStackView.push(viewPage); mainStackView.currentItem.setEvent(modelData); } } }