Adding Marker in QT QML Map
QML and Qt Quick
Good day developers!
What I want is to add multiple marker in my qml Map, the data display in map is based on the receive data using UDP Sockets. For now i have a running code that display one marker only, but my goal is send multiple data and display it in my map using one MapQuickItem only. Is that possible in QT QML?
I'm using the code below
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); qmlRegisterType<BackEnd>("io.qt.examples.backend", 1, 0, "BackEnd"); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); return app.exec(); }
udp.cpp //I'm using this code to receive data.
// ``` while (socket->hasPendingDatagrams()){ QByteArray buffer; buffer.resize(socket->pendingDatagramSize()); QHostAddress sender; quint16 port; socket->readDatagram(,buffer.size(),&sender,&port); hldr = tr("%1").arg(; QStringList list1 = hldr.split(','); strLat = list1[0]; strLon = list1[1]; qDebug() << "Latitude: " << strLat; qDebug() << "Longitude: " << strLon; qDebug()<<"Message From: " << sender.toString(); qDebug()<<"With Port Number " << port; qDebug()<<"Message: " << buffer; emit vesselLatChanged(); emit vesselLonChanged(); } } QString BackEnd::vesselLat() { m_vesselLat = strLat; qDebug() << m_vesselLat; return m_vesselLat; } QString BackEnd::vesselLon() { m_vesselLon = strLon; qDebug() << m_vesselLon; return m_vesselLon; } QString BackEnd::vesselSpeed() { m_vesselSpeed = strSpeed; qDebug() << m_vesselSpeed; return m_vesselSpeed; } Map.qml //I'm using this code to display map. Window { id: root width: 300 height: 480 visible: true visibility: "Maximized" property double latitude: backend.vesselLat property double longitude: backend.vesselLon BackEnd{ id:backend } Plugin { id: mapPlugin name: "osm" } Map { id: map anchors.fill: parent plugin: mapPlugin center: QtPositioning.coordinate(59.14, 14.15) zoomLevel: 15 MapQuickItem { id: marker anchorPoint.x: image.width anchorPoint.y: image.height coordinate { latitude: latitude longitude: longitude } sourceItem: Image { id: image source: "qrc:/resources/marker.png" } } } }
Why do you want to "display it in my map using one MapQuickItem only"? You will need to create multiple MapQuickItem instances to display multiple markers on map at once. You can create them statically (if their number is known in advance) or dynamically (if not).