Getting multiple values from one key
General and Desktop
If I have INI file with this format:
[TAG1] name=value1,value2,value3,... [TAG2] name=value1,value2,value3,... [TAG3] name=value1,value2,value3,...
How to get JSON object that looks like this:
{"TAG1":["value1","value2",...], "TAG2":["value1","value2",...]}
I've tried to get them like this:
QSettings settings(":/data.ini",QSettings::IniFormat); QStringList groups= settings.childGroups(); foreach (QString group, groups) { settings.beginGroup(group); QStringList keys = settings.childKeys(); QJsonArray arr; foreach (key, keys) { values=settings.value(key); QJsonObject object; QJsonValue valueJson(values.toString()); object.insert(key,valueJson); arr.append(object); } qDebug() <<"Array: "<< arr; jsonObj.insert(group,arr); qDebug()<<jsonObj; settings.endGroup() }
But what I get as QJsonObject is:
I dont want "name", only values as I wrote up there. -
@Guest said in Getting multiple values from one key:
Since the returned QVariant holds a QStringList QVariant::toString() will return an empty string since there is no automatic conversion between a QStringList and a QString