How to interact in between two QML screens?
How to interact in between two QML screens?
I am creating new QML component/screen by using "createComponent" and "createObject".@var component = Qt.createComponent("testQml.qml");
var sprite = component.createObject(parentWindow, {"x":0, "y":0});
if(sprite == null)
console.log("Error creating component\n");
console.log("Screen Created\n");
// Send some data to the newly created screen
@I have some data that I need to pass it to the newly created screen before it displays the UI components.
I need two way communication in between child and the parent screen.
I also need to call some function of the parent QML screen from child it is done in the QML?
May be you can use properties and signals to pass data around ?
Can you please provide one example for this (using two qml/js files).
One way I found is common javascript file in between two QML files and from QML file accessing global key value pares (global array) to send and receive parameters across two QML files. -
Here.. Using a common Javascript file to share data.
.pragma library
var sharedVariable = null;
@Your Screen1.qml
import "Global.js" as GlobalJSRectangle {
MouseArea {
onClicked: GlobalJS.sharedVariable = "This is shared data";
@Your Screen2.qml
import "Global.js" as GlobalJSRectangle {
Text {text: GlobalJS.sharedVariable
@ -
Thanks for the reply