Checkbox on the right?
Is there a way to get a checkbox with the box on the right of the text? LayoutMirroring doesn't work because the text is not properly aligned on the left. The only way I have found to get this is to build it myself using a RowLayout, Label, MouseArea, and CheckBox like this:
// All this for having the checkbox on the right?? RowLayout { id: mi_checkbox function on_clicked() { console.log('on_clicked') // do stuff menu.close() } Label { Layout.fillWidth: true leftPadding: mymenu.itemAt(0).leftPadding text: 'Checkable thing' MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { cb_item.toggle() mi_checkbox.on_clicked() } } } CheckBox { id: cb_item onClicked: mi_checkbox.on_clicked() } }
Hi @Tom_H , please have a look at my sample code:-
CheckBox { id: control text: qsTr("CheckBox") checked: true width: 100 height: 30 indicator: Rectangle { height: parent.height width: height radius: 3 anchors.right: parent.right border.color: control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b" Rectangle { width: parent.width / 2 height: parent.height / 2 anchors.centerIn: parent radius: 2 color: control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b" visible: control.checked } } contentItem: Text { text: control.text font.pixelSize: parent.height / 2 opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3 color: control.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b" verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter anchors.left: parent.left width: parent.width / 2 } }
@Shrinidhi-Upadhyaya Thank you.
@Shrinidhi-Upadhyaya This also works:
MenuItem { text: 'Example' checkable: true indicator.anchors.right: right indicator.anchors.rightMargin: rightPadding contentItem.anchors.left: left contentItem.anchors.leftMargin: leftPadding Component.onCompleted: { contentItem.leftPadding = 0 } }
@Tom_H , ohh good,it basically depends upon your usage, as both Checkbox and MenuItem somewhat inherit the same members from AbstractButton,Control and Item.You can easily customized any component the way you want,so it basically depends upon your requirement and the amount of efforts needed to customize it,but both CheckBox and MenuItem are there for different purposes.A simple example is the property "checkable" as checkable is by default false in MenuItem while in CheckBox its true.