QProgressDialog: remove cancel button doesn't remove key handling of cancel button?
I have a progress dialog on startup, showing, well ... startup progress.
there isn't a cancel buttton cuz i removed it (setCancelButton(NULL))
however, hitting esc, cmd-., ctrl-c causes the dialog to dismiss itself.
without overriding this dialog, how do i disable that?
Install an event filter and check for the close event.
This worked!! Thanks!!
according to this topic, i tried this:
disconnect(this, SIGNAL(canceled()), this, SLOT(cancel()));
yet the escape key STILL cancels the dialog. ??
Derive from QProcessDialog and override the closeEvent()
without overriding this dialog, how do i disable that?
if there isn't any way to do it without overriding, then there you have it.
But i was wondering if there IS in fact a way?
There are basically two ways to deal with events - overriding and event filters. Since you don't want to override you're left with the latter. Install an event filter and check for the close event.
Install an event filter and check for the close event.
This worked!! Thanks!!