Since you seem to have some problems with QRegularExpression (Read the documentation! It's the best I have ever seen!), I will give you a small example. I happen to be using something like this in a program I am working on:
QRegularExpression re("<img (?<junk>.*?) src=(?<path>\\S+?) (?<junk2>.*?)>"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption);
The ?<name>-blocks are there to provide named captures in the matches. The first one is called junk - it is allowed to contain anything but the "src"-attribute (.*? matches any sign in a "lazy" manner). junk2 behaves equivalently; if you don't need to capture (i.e. store for later access) these groups, you could simplify the expression a bit.
path will be storing the download-link for the image. \\S will match every non-whitespace character, +? means that there has to be at least one character like that. You will have to adapt to path including "-signs, depends on your specific case.
Here a bit of code I copied and slightly modified from the documentation for QRegularExpression:
QString s = "<img style=\"background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; vertical-align: -0.838ex;height: 2.843ex;\" src=>";
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(s);
while (match.hasMatch()) {
QString junk = match.captured("junk"); // junk == style=\"background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; vertical-align: -0.838ex;height: 2.843ex;\"
QString junk2 = match.captured("junk2"); // junk2 == ""
QString path = match.captured("path"); // path ==
Hand in your html-file instead of s, take care of some minute details (path enclosed in " or not? Maybe no space before junk2? etc.), and then you should be able to do whatever you want with your links.
I hope that gets you started.