It is working now and the reason was the listen() was in the wrong position and you need an additional Signal/Slot connection from main program to the network extension as following:
the main program gets changed like this:
wifi= new WirelessNet(0);
QThread *thread = new QThread;
connect(thread,SIGNAL(started()), wifi,SLOT(initWifi()));
the constructor of WirelessNet is now empty, therefore it gets a new public slot function:
void WirelessNet::initWifi()
listen(QHostAddress::Any, 5220);
And that's the trick.
If one is creating a WirelessNet-Instance, starts listenting inside the constructor but first then uses the movetoThread(), the connection is lost.
Concluding in one sentence: First move to the right thread and afterwards start listening
Thanks for your help. Let me tell you I hate the official Qt-""Tutorials""