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    @SGaist This error occurs when I add this:Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit

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    @vishnu In a project called RBIMS, I created a text docuemt called RBIMS.qdocconf which contained the following text:

    include(compat.qdocconf) project = RBIMS outputdir += ./html headerdirs += . sourcedirs += . exampledirs = . imagedirs = ./images headers.fileextensions = "*.h *.ch *.h++ *.hh *.hpp *.hxx" sources.fileextensions = "*.cpp *.qdoc *.mm *.qml"

    I used the following command (executed from within my project folder) at the command line:

    ~/Qt/5.15.0/gcc_64/bin/qdoc /home/jim/Qt_Projects/RBIMS/RBIMS.qdocconf

    This produced an XML file in the html folder inside my project.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE QDOCINDEX> <INDEX url="" title="RBIMS Reference Documentation" version="" project="RBIMS"> <namespace name="" status="active" access="public" module="rbims"> ... ... Code removed for brevity ... virtual="non" const="false" static="false" final="false" override="false" type="bool" signature="bool createDatabase()"/> <function name="database" fullname="database::database" href="database.html#database" status="active" access="public" location="database.h" filepath="/home/jim/Qt_Projects/RBIMS/database.h" lineno="36" documented="true" meta="constructor" virtual="non" const="false" static="false" final="false" override="false" type="" brief="Database::database test constructor doc parent" signature="database(int *parent)"> <parameter type="int *" name="parent" default="nullptr"/> </function>

    You can see (toward the end) that ....

    brief="Database::database test constructor doc parent"

    is created, which was a

    /*! * \brief database::database test constructor doc * \param parent */

    Qdoc comment in my code.