How do I use QWebView in a computer project and get the specification of attributes and methods for QWebView in the documentation?
Good evening to the whole community, I am working on a project for a web browser on a computer. I was told to use the "QWebView" class which will be my web engine for this project. But surprisingly when I include the header file for this class in my project, the IDE tells me that this file cannot be found. I don't know how to use it in my project, but I think I forgot to do some essential action before including this file. But I don't know which one. And also in the documentation for qt6, I get information about QWebView, they tell me it's a module and not a class. But, apart from a brief description on QWebView, I don't get any information about its classes or its attributes and methods yet the module is existing. I very much hope you can answer these questions.
Thank you for your attention! -
Are you using qmake or cmake ?
Both variants are shown in the module documentation. -
Which release of Qt 6 are you using ?
I am unsure but isn't that module in the list of "extras" to install in the maintenance tool/online installer ?
@SGaist Personally when I do a search for "qt6 installer maintenance tool", it does not give me very useful information in my opinion and then, I thought that when the library was installed, there were no more other modules to download. And if it is possible, please give me the procedure to install a module for qt or a link. Thank you!
If you installed Qt using the online installer, you can find the maintenance tool executable in the folder where the installation was done.
On this link:
You'll notice at the top in a box that says
with a module dependencyQT += webenginewidgets
.With every class, make sure that the module is added in the .pro file, and after run qmake.
In QtCreator that would be at the top under the
option. -
@TheLumbee When I add "QT += webenginewidgets" in
the .pro file and I include in the file of one of my projects "#include <QWebEngineView>" , I am told that the file does not exist. Is there an order to follow for this?
I use windows 10 and here is the result of my compiler output:

@gouneken Please explain "add in the .pro file and do an include." I'm unsure what that means.
What is telling you which file doesn't exist? Be more specific than you think is necessary. Your question can be interpreted many ways.
Also, what operating system are you using? And post a snippet of your code along with compiler output errors. That would also be helpful in resolving your issue.
One question, I thought qtwebenginewidgets was an optional module and I recently downloaded the module, so I already downloaded two modules that my qt framework didn't have. Namely, qwebview and qwebengine modules. They are indeed present in my library folder, but my project sees them as non-existent. Since I uploaded them after my project was created and my project contains technical files that were created with it, I was wondering if that could be the reason my project isn't considering them and if that's the case how to update my project to take into account the changes of the library?