I found this link:
Multimedia Backends
I seem that in Qt 5.5 (dont know what is with 5.6) for Windows the Camera in not really supported. :-(((
Any ideas how to integrate camera functionality in a Qt-App ?
Yes, i finally found this bug report too, but i forgot to post it yesterday. The table which Yoann Lopes gave (in your link) explains what is possible or not to do : http://wiki.qt.io/Qt_5.5.0_Multimedia_Backends.
Thanks for your help again ! I'll use my camera API then.
Setting the size policy to fixed solved the layout issue. However, with that fix, frames are updated very slowly (updating is clearly faster without setting the fixed size policy). Anybody know a fix?
Thanks :-)
The Android and Desktop backend don't necessarily work the same way since they rely on the platform multimedia APIs and they may use different types of data to store the video data.
One thing that I find strange in your code is that you are overwriting input with the content of buffer rather than returning it.
@Andy314 If using autoOrientation is not satisfactory I would suggest to change the orientation manually.
You can see an example of how to achieve this in our last meetup materials (https://forum.qt.io/topic/63838/qt-qml-workshop-materials/4), the demo project can also be seen on github.
Well, the first goal is not resolved, I still have to connect my extern functions with my QCamera object. I'll try to change the approach, throwing the QCamera object, and use QMediaService (tanks for the idea @kshegunov). If someone has an idea for me, dont hesitate.
You might want to check the libqtavi library: https://iondev.ro/qtavi/
It enables Qt based applications to easily save video files in the AVI container format and is available under two licenses: open-source (GPL v. 3.0) and commercial.
@SGaist Ok I've put the environment variable you suggested in my Build Environment list. The application spat some output in which everything looks OK until this line:
defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.camera"
which looks like something that's querying the D-Bus for some services. I've checked every check box when I was installing Qt using the installer but It looks like it didn't install this or something else is needed but it's not documented.
So I don't have QCameraInfo cause I use Qt 5.1.
But QCamera::availableDevices() gives me the same information, I think.
It returns the following:
As the device description it returns:
USB 2821 Device