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    2 Posts

    Hi and welcome to devnet,

    Quite frankly that sounds like a homework assignment.

    What do you know about http authentication ?

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts


    Here is Reproducible Example

    #include <QApplication> #include <QSslServer> #include <QDialog> #include <QSslKey> #include <QMessageBox> int main(int argc, char **argv) { // create an Application QApplication app(argc, argv); // set the ssl configuration auto config = QSslConfiguration(); // set certificate config.setLocalCertificate(QSslCertificate::fromData(QByteArray::fromStdString(R"( -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDITCCAgmgAwIBAgIVAMdt4c6oGd0rUSbR+/tBVfhny3K3MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB BQUAMEoxGDAWBgNVBAMMD0xBUFRPUC1KQzJNMzcyQTEbMBkGA1UECgwSc3JpbGFr c2htaWthbnRoYW5wMREwDwYDVQQLDAhjbGlwYmlyZDAeFw0yMzA5MDgxMTQ4NDZa Fw0yNDA5MDcxMTQ4NDZaMEoxGDAWBgNVBAMMD0xBUFRPUC1KQzJNMzcyQTEbMBkG A1UECgwSc3JpbGFrc2htaWthbnRoYW5wMREwDwYDVQQLDAhjbGlwYmlyZDCCASIw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALkFDUKmzz+NE0x7o5JGgE8KZ/cB GEtTwN2cElMESQ/MZe3ohIE5GdFkld/7894wXZAJkXu38oZVEQ/AurntqqSHT4iP 7qMUJGYjo2v2g/1JwU3E/sG+IjatOjyl8b0b+E9TmDt7XOS4VWz3vjTkXwmQTzUv 3L5myfdcmBpA9AOXxH8yHq9lcBl97ZHGWA4zI9uWnwtyFWSl8DX4H/y14+itEYwH n6xLsEBxqjx40G7WR0AiAYRdE5Yvr6QOGtFAeODFqOv/2sAxdm/7P1wHjIvyOB++ eufvPyWZpzeBfEvrIeGkj91YGAV7FQsOfCuzetGgZcLiBDAZKjnKEQ2oajUCAwEA ATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAD/SYccAb3K6GKyfc9Rbaj44IxpsNlHDQAr5b c8Nmz+LW905EqFe6tAhCgi3q9o3HUUeiNHe0rYad3Lgd1setSOVdWiSbxArmELgW Dg3NGd3GIIRShvmZfSHRkpvKaD9j06CVzMrM0nZsjQVcQrKlFBUJ9UEqVmmcz1nU a4yUEQ9Rb7t4Icw7aD07NqLRlhNGCii4d12NAY7kRZdLdtTw7T/j4tXxmcJsOiWK Lx/cqqTBgBHc3l3EeylQdO17pFClY5yMUGGla7LPcDm1sU4mmFEKmkjcRGu+mQM2 V3EDgh37GyTWvs6Zf86B14m/US0Ff4vQu26vco5Pjk3xKckA+Q== -----END CERTIFICATE----- )")).first()); // set private key config.setPrivateKey(QSslKey(QByteArray::fromStdString(R"( -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAuQUNQqbPP40TTHujkkaATwpn9wEYS1PA3ZwSUwRJD8xl7eiE gTkZ0WSV3/vz3jBdkAmRe7fyhlURD8C6ue2qpIdPiI/uoxQkZiOja/aD/UnBTcT+ wb4iNq06PKXxvRv4T1OYO3tc5LhVbPe+NORfCZBPNS/cvmbJ91yYGkD0A5fEfzIe r2VwGX3tkcZYDjMj25afC3IVZKXwNfgf/LXj6K0RjAefrEuwQHGqPHjQbtZHQCIB hF0Tli+vpA4a0UB44MWo6//awDF2b/s/XAeMi/I4H7565+8/JZmnN4F8S+sh4aSP 3VgYBXsVCw58K7N60aBlwuIEMBkqOcoRDahqNQIDAQABAoIBADf6I0zrEwDzOceG ELMMyX0gdNvyZNtFd7CUq6aaQVCaUqxsEMrX78u+VunxXJL4pxYRDwcTXDjwO708 XkIqedpVZea3RUfprCmK1sKvTrevPOC+nSUY1Vkdh+UZf83rTHETpZc5d51rd80E F3QBNA+8rXo2BN9GUgyY4xvuUuVS3drVZ6WA9A9yPtaBgeLATqmb0Ckh2aVn+XG9 eYIxiF0Sfnb3HET7IDO+Xtw8OIygq+dT9v5LMMYf/Aa8aakJMoTK6SLbjFWs5gUj mhBSBdxqdmLLTa2E+3hrZOfgQ0tk85336n7v3dFKkhTMr9KztOIh53Ruh36gR3UT QxbCyvECgYEA2uKcFmrkGa61WarqSbB58e/m111cmlcjOSoEELwb+O1pLe8qqDSZ UeLVMRW+omdyvt0N1RaDEOsBWtgup2RntutEx8sAi5O1d+CrCLZ7xZJPSrYH4tIs YFXoBgCNqn+275ZdeL5LgxuFKAstFW9YbWpsXCEPbrIMBk4Xm3m3Pt8CgYEA2GRo I+lLPvcslTwens+5sXT5+EPTcY9Ss2jSz3njEIt4asxa/P4H7Xx2EWqMQg5LGSVD MP8L9lxCSiyYvrQhYAQZq2VqvVCejFkrWY8hntDvyhJ26SfanSdMB1MVWOc16dns wjuuX3+5QIQoMogL1eng6/VOOJHVfiAh57yqPWsCgYEAkcI54wvHXfrjtRSF9BBb BGuXM29ujTDdueFq16IMlpWyZu5PX7e3Kbp98bPjQM7WsJcP8QiOuyNjwZUYbEwG bN767HkYodn5DB1GiATNI2Is/zl8wuTmvDg4zFZuAE4QCjf9grxmGKao42Od4BpH roUiJ6+0USirrT8vpU9GYc0CgYAYuIfJKnrFK7m1JtQcsoB1THbOLPl37La29k+3 EialmjlcghIW+vJu6BwY60Iwva9IpSAi9dApCesszCF7D9sMPAuur/xculwSjpFM PvTJTvdF74wUINBxya5+27gBmxBmsdXBbs4B7PZ971skQrSPcJOYgUK5ZbetHACj l8MfFwKBgQC3g39rKU/iahrr5VcbLecsdv9jhSo+PANQOXhreEZTOF1spsWh9bMN 11MB0uZu99p4Solvv0M11Md++CO3ocBRT0AsdsdLdytAb+YWM+c1ls5dhjVnaMpL dKKHiQ7sfiPM05f6HuTmMuinSLw7f1Ff7GVJUMugJCqiNn3XO3jWGQ== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- )"), QSsl::KeyAlgorithm::Rsa)); // peer verify config.setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket::VerifyPeer); // if any of them is null if (config.isNull() || config.localCertificate().isNull() || config.privateKey().isNull()) { throw std::runtime_error("Can't Create QSslConfiguration"); } const auto processSslErrors = [=] (QSslSocket * sock, const QList<QSslError> & errors){ // create a dialog auto dialog = QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, "SSL Error", "Accept ?", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel); // show the dialog dialog.exec(); // if user accepted if (dialog.result() == QMessageBox::Yes) { sock->ignoreSslErrors(); } }; // create the server auto server = new QSslServer(); // set the ssl errors handler QObject::connect(server, &QSslServer::sslErrors, processSslErrors); // set the ssl configuration server->setSslConfiguration(config); // listen to the port server->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 7000); // exec return app.exec(); }

    In Client Side:

    openssl s_client -connect

    You can see the client disconnected while the dialog is in open

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    6 Posts

    Frankly, I forgot about it.

    Then it also depends also on what tools fits best your needs. There's no silver bullet that will cover everything you need.

    Also limiting yourself to only one language is not a good idea in the long run. There are good and bad things in every language thus knowing more than one allows to have a better grasp at what can be done, how easy/hard the maintenance would be etc.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hi and welcome to devnet,

    That's a question you should bring to the interest mailing list. You'll find there Qt's developers/maintainers. This forum is more user oriented.

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    9 Posts

    @JonB I also thought it could be due to cache, so I ran the manager.clearConnectionCache command but that does not help.

    I also tried to find a way to force it to provide credentials but I have not found any other way to do so. But that was when I still wasn't sure that the server actually requests this, but since I now know that the server sends the www-authenticate request I know the error is in my applicaton or in qt.

    Yes, I get the QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError. So weird that I get that error and not the authenticationRequired signal.

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Sorry I still don't understand who's authenticating where and how is oauth2 involved in all this.

    I could use cookies as well which might make things easier.

    I would think you not only could, but rather need to use cookies. How else will you distinguish between clients connected to you PHP service?

  • 0 Votes
    18 Posts

    Use setRawHeader from QNetworkRequest with Authorization as the name

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    15 Posts

    I have. Usually all my projects get inspired by either the examples or some other project that someone has put on the web. Its just that sometimes I have trouble moving them to the next level, just like with this one.