QML SelectionRectangle behavior change
QML and Qt Quick
I'm not sure if I am encountering a bug with QML 6.8 or not but SelectionRectangle is no longer acting as intended.
In previous QT versions you could click and drag several cells (much like excel cells) and select several regions. However, with QT 6.8 now, each click and drag overwrites previous click and drags.
I can't find anything in the documentation QT SelectionRectangle that references this change and closer inspection of the actual element shows no real changes.
CellGridView { id: gridTarget anchors.top: titleTypography.bottom anchors.left: cellGridDelegate.left anchors.right: cellGridDelegate.right anchors.bottom: cellGridDelegate.bottom model: cellGridDelegate.modelData.mapModel selectionModel: cellGridDelegate.modelData.selectionModel delegate: CellGridDelegate { onClicked: (row, column) => { gridView.selectionModel.select( gridView.model.index(row, column), ItemSelectionModel.Toggle ); } } Controls.SelectionRectangle { target: gridTarget } }
I'm not sure if I have encountered a bug, or maybe I had it the other way around where the bug was working in my favour. Any help is appreciated!