Qt with Realm-CPP DB. How?
What do you want to implement? Compile the library and then use FIND_PACKAGE(cpprealm) to search for the package. If found link it to your app with target_link_libraries(MyApp PUBLIC cpprealm::cpprealm).
This should be added to the cpprealm README though - you should ask them to add this information on how to use the library with cmake. -
Mostly trying to find examples of using Realm DB written with CPP. Library itself built for all of platforms (iOS/Android/MacOS) like static library, there are sh scripts in repository. But how to use it isn't clear. Means example that showing manipulations with data in DB and DB itself. It's very different to SQL DBs.
So you should ask the authors on how to use their library, or?
There were hope on someone who already did it with Qt ...
tbh. I don't see what's so special using an external c++ library with Qt or any other framework/application. So search for normal c++ examples for your library.
From my limited understanding and reading
- Realm-CPP is just C++ code and you can integrate/call it like anything else C++ from Qt.
- BUT Realm-CPP DB --- as written in your title but not in your question --- is some kind of database which is supposed to be "like SQLite".
If it is the DB/database side you want to use then if you want it to work with Qt
classes you will have to use or produce a driver for it, likeQSQLITE
. If you only wish to make explicit calls to whatever its C++ interface is, not viaQSql....
classes, then you can do that as plain C++ code.