one more time ... #include question ( Linux)
Qt Creator and other tools
This is result of "add library" to subpro .pro file
unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../A_DEC17_BT_Utility_Library/ -lA_DEC17_BT_Utility_Library INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../A_DEC17_BT_Utility_Library DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../A_DEC17_BT_Utility_Library now I have to add (#include ) such library header to .pro header where the library is used Usually intelisense helps - intuitive - , but what other tool is helpful ?? I am getting multiple intelisense entries and no mater which one I select I still cannot access the library- compiler fails . Thanks for reply, help is much appreciated.
That's a duplicate of, where input from your side is pending.
Please continue in the original thread. -