item could not be created please help me
@mkdir did this work prior to your upgrade to Creator 12.0?
I just enabled the Designer plugin, opened a .qml file, and it promptly crashed. It might still be something of a WIP.
But, what does your CMakeLists.txt and main.cpp files look like?
@mkdir well, if I'm correct (and it's quite possible I'm not), there's nothing to do except submit a bug report.
I'm sorry I'm not more help, but I've never used the Design tool for QML, because I found it slow and buggy. Someone else may chime in with a better answer.
@mkdir again, I don't want to sound like an expert in this area, but I just code my QML in the text editor. Back when I worked with widgets, I used the design tool a lot more, but I haven't done anything with it and QML.
If no one says anything to the contrary, I would recommend submitting a bug report. If nothing else, someone should tell you what you might be doing wrong.
I have the some issue....did you solve it? I have read and tried various ways but nothing......
Any suggestions?