Making a Windows release
I tried to "compile" my PySide/QML application on Windows. I tried both cx_Freeze and py2exe. The result of both is the same - a blank window.
After running the .exe, all I get is a completely white window with decoration. It starts and quits without any errors.
I tried even a very simple example with the same result.I have no idea what should I check and what could be wrong.
I have had all kinds of struggles with this, though I am not using python bindings, just mobility plugins.
Call me a total idiot please. I simply forgot to copy my .qml files to the "dist" directory. It works perfectly now. What is strange, that Python didn't report the error.
I tried doing the same thing without success.
[quote author="kyleplattner" date="1295996868"]I tried doing the same thing without success.[/quote]
Could you tell me more details, please?
I'm not sure what helpful details I can even provide. It returns a blank window without any errors.
And have you tried py2exe or cx_Freze? I use py2exe and it works good for me...
Are those utilities specifically for using Python bindings?
No, I use py2exe with both PyGtk and PySide, you can use it with console programs too.
Can these utilities run on OS X?
Sorry, I have no idea. I only use Windows and Linux. But I believe these utilities are targeted at Windows only.
Thanks for the help anyway.