Owner-draw QGraphicsItem Problem
I have to draw a custom graphics item on QGraphicsView, but the problem is APIs of QPainter are not sufficient for me to draw the item. So I create a QPixmap which is as large as the viewport, and draw my item on the QPixmap, then draw the QPixmap by calling QPainter::drawPixmap(). But this way is inefficient and need much more memory.
Is there any way to improve? Can I get the pixel buffer of the QGraphicsView and draw on it directly when QGraphicsItem::paint() is called?
BTW: I use raster graphics engine.
Thank you!
what is missing in the QPainter API? And how do you paint on the QPixmap then? Afaik, you can't access the pixel buffer directly.
Hi Gerolf,
I have some 2d NURBS curves, what I need to do is draw those curves, and fill the area enclosed. I have a function to calculate the color of each pixel in the area to be filled, so I cannot use QBrush directly.
You need to use QImage to draw on pixel level.
and the pixmap / image could be of the size of the graphics item, needn't be of graphics view
Hi Andre and Gerolf, thank you both!
But the problem is: If the view is zoomed in, the item itself may be much bigger than the view...
And that is a problem because...?