OPC UA Client node Read message "BadNodeIDUnkown"
General and Desktop
Hello everyone ,
I have a problem reading a nodes iim related to OPC ua client application :
he connection to the OPC UA server works.
my NodeID call looks like this :..... m_statusNode.reset(m_client->node("ns=3;s=com_DB_OPC.livebit")); connect(m_statusNode.data(), &QOpcUaNode::attributeUpdated, this , &mainForm::onAttributUpdated); m_statusNode->enableMonitoring(QOpcUa::NodeAttribute::Value,QOpcUaMonitoringParameters(100)); .....
with a cleint software "UA Expert" it looks like this
( nodeID = " ns=3;s="com_DB_OPC"."livebit" "
how do I get the ' " ' characters in a string?... or do I have to build the nodeID differently?