How install QT on disck D (no C)
I work on windows, i would like install QT on my disck D: but, whene i change the repertory, i can't install, it's say "not enought disck space to store temporary files " , on my C: disck, i don't have the place but, on my D: i have the place and, i would like install on this disk.Can you help-me please ?
@vin212 Possibly by setting the temporary directory in the system on that drive. Your OS manual should indicate how to do it (or google). Unless there is some magic switch/parameter for Qt Online Installer that I don't know about.
The online installer will first download compressed file to the temporary directory. Only the uncompressed files will be put on drive D:. Here is were @artwaw 's suggestion comes in to change thhe temporary directory of the operating system.
I change my directory for the temp file and it's work ! Thank's for your help !
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