keypressed and keyreleased
@genli The console debug output does not match with the code you post... So it is hard to understand what really happens.
As side note: for me, the
only made sense inkeyPressEvent()
. In my comprehension, when autorepeate is set, then additional key pressed events are generated but no key released events. -
The debug console shows me:
What I would like it to display is as long as you press "Z" you get:
Then once we release "Z" we get:
keyReleased -
@genli said in keypressed and keyreleased:
if (keyevent->isAutoRepeat() == true)
else {gpioPWM (12, 0);
gpioPWM (13, 0);qDebug()<<"keyReleased";
I think this sould be:
if(keyevent->key() == Qt::Key_Z) { if (keyevent->isAutoRepeat() == true) { keyevent->ignore(); qDebug()<<"release ignored"; } else { gpioPWM (12, 0); gpioPWM (13, 0); qDebug()<<"keyReleased"; } }
I actually answered a very similar question recently, can't find it any longer or I would have linked it, but I do still have the code example:#include <QKeyEvent> #include <QTimer> #include <QTime> class mWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit mWidget(QWidget * parent = nullptr) : QWidget(parent){ QObject::connect(&m_Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &mWidget::moveSlot); m_Timer.setInterval(20); } protected: QTimer m_Timer; virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override{ switch(event->key()) { case Qt:: Key_Z: { if(!m_Timer.isActive()){ m_Timer.start(); moveSlot(); }else qDebug() << "Key Z when timer running"; } default: qDebug() << "Other Key" << event->key(); } } virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override{ switch(event->key()) { case Qt:: Key_Z: { m_Timer.stop(); } default: qDebug() << "Other Key" << event->key(); } } private slots: void moveSlot(){ qDebug() << "Move" << QTime::currentTime(); } };
IIRC the idea was to send the command regularly through serial port or something. But the base idea of this should be the same, btw no autorepeat in this case!
@genli said in keypressed and keyreleased:
void Robot::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*keyevent)
if (keyevent->isAutoRepeat() == true)
keyevent->ignore();Why are you ignoring the event? From the documentation:
Clearing the accept parameter indicates that the event receiver does not want the event. Unwanted events might be propagated to the parent widget.
Based on the problem description, I don't think the goal is to have something else handle the autorepeated press and release events. The widget accepting the key press needs to accept autorepeats, and use the lack of autorepeat to signal the beginning and end of the physical key press.
@J-Hilk @KroMignon
thank you for your answer but it's still the same problem
my code with timers :
QObject::connect(&m_Timer, SIGNAL(timeout), this, SLOT(moveSlot));
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
QObject::connect(&m_Timer, SIGNAL(timeout), this, SLOT(moveSlot));
delete ui;
}void moveSlot()
qDebug() << "keyPressed";}
void MainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*keyevent)
case Qt:: Key_Z:
moveSlot();} }
}void MainWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*keyevent)
{switch(keyevent->key()) { case Qt:: Key_Z: { m_Timer.stop(); qDebug() << "keyReleased "; }
} -
I suppose you have to manage more keys, not only Z.
A possible way to do this could be:- Having a timer always active where you could have all your managements ( like a core )
- In keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*keyevent) store the key pressed
- In keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*keyevent) clear the variable where you store key-value
Below there is an example of a body that is called from your timer
void MyObject::core()
...//Moving manager switch( keyPressed ) { case "Z": move1(); break; case "A": move2(); break; ... default: stopMoving(); break; } ...
You must check if this solution is compatible with your project design
in my idea in keyReleaseEvent you must clear keyPressed variable (for example keyPressed=""), so in the switch the program skips in default and you stop all moving.It is clear that this logic could be improved to avoid doing the same operations
Is not key pressed but moving manager ;)
I changed the code but it's the same error :
void Robot::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*keyevent)
if (keyevent->key() == Qt::Key_Z)
void Robot::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*keyevent)
{if (keyevent->key() == Qt::Key_Z) { ui->forward_btn->released(); }
any idea please ? -
The idea is having one place where manage the moving.
So my idea is the same:- having a timer always actived
- defining a enum or defines for direction
- in key event or pushbutton event store last moving selection.
Only for example:
enum Moving
}Moving moving;
void MyObject::core()
//Moving managerswitch( moving)
case enForward:
break;case enBack: move2(); break; ... default: stopMoving(); break;
}void MyObject:: keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEventkeyevent)
keyPressed = enStop;
void MyObject::keyPressEvent(QKeyEventkeyevent)
if ( keyEvent->key() == "S" )
keyPressed = enForward;
else if ( keyEvent->key() == "D" )
keyPressed = enBack;
}//for all 4 buttons write a code like this
void MyObject::on_forward_btn_pressed()
keyPressed = enForward;
]void MyObject::on_forward_btn_relesed()
keyPressed = enStop;
]The above code could have error, I write in editor and not in QTCreator.
For security the stopOperation I insert always in default.
@CP71 the thing I can't understand is when I press Z:
The debug console shows me:
and when I keep pressing z and I press another button for example R or P the problem solved
The debug console shows me:
how i can press a button on the keyboard using code ? -
@genli create QKeyEvent and post it to the event queue
I think the above is overly complicated though. I'd go with a set of flags, either standalone or the vector of bool, and custom signal - let's say
or something.
In keypressed/keyreleased events you just set the flag and emit the signal.
The signal it self connected as a queued connection, so it's just processed after the control returns from the keyboard event processing, connected to the slot which in turn, sends movement commands to the remote.
Less methods, less code the way I see it, clearer approach.EDIT: also, try do debug key events to see possible modifiers from the event. Those are platform dependent.