Copying external dlls to destination directory
I want to copy external libraries dlls to the destination dir i.e debug/release folder through qmake in the .pro file. I have those dlls in "C:\Program Files\MyLib".
I have the following code :
// deploy location within the project dir.
DESTDIR = $$deploy_loc/release// MYLIB_HOME = C:\Program Files\MyLib
copyQtdata.commands += $(COPY_DIR) /f $$shell_path($$(MYLIB_HOME)\bin\mylib.dll) $$shell_path($$DESTDIR)Since MYLIB_HOME expands to the above path with space, xcopy gives me an error "Invalid number of arguments" because tof the space.
The above copyQtData.commands expands to below while building:
xcopy /s /q /y /i /f C:\Program Files\MyLib\bin\mylib.dll D:\GithubSource\MyProject\Deploy\bin\release.
Please guide me.
Put your path in quotes.
"C:\Program Files\.....\"
@Uday-More said in Copying external dlls to destination directory:
copyQtdata.commands += $(COPY_DIR) /f $$shell_path($$(MYLIB_HOME)\bin\mylib.dll) $$shell_path($$DESTDIR)
The command has to be changed to
copyQtdata.commands += $(COPY_DIR) /f $$shell_quote($$(MYLIB_HOME)\bin\mylib.dll) $$shell_path($$DESTDIR)
Note : shell_path has been changed to shell_quote.
It works.