positioning within a grid layout
Hi all -
I'm trying to add to an existing QML view that utilizes a GridLayout. Here's the essential QML (I think):
GridLayout { id: wellsGrid Repeater { model: wellPlateColNames.length * wellPlateRowNames.length Item { Layout.row: Math.floor(index / wellPlateColNames.length) + 1 Layout.column: (index % wellPlateColNames.length) + (hideRowNames ? 0 : 1) Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter Rectangle { anchors.centerIn: parent height: parent.height * root.wellCircleFromEnclosingRect width: height radius: height } } }
This (correctly) produces this:
I'm trying to add to this (currently just a pink rectangle per column; I'll get fancy when I get this working) with this code:Repeater { // this is at the same level as the repeater above id: columnCaps model: issViewModel.columnCapList Item { Layout.row: 0 Layout.column: index + (hideRowNames ? 0 : 1) Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter Rectangle { visible: true // modelData anchors.centerIn: parent // x: (wellsGrid.cellBasicWidth_ * index) // y: index - (50 * index) height: wellsGrid.cellBasicHeight_ width: wellsGrid.cellBasicWidth_ color: 'pink' Text { id: colText text: Number(index).toString() } } } }
But I don't get the column positioning I'd expected:
I inferred from the original code that specifying a column was enough to get the location I wanted; was I wrong about that?
Thanks for any guidance...
Well, I solved that problem, but I'm not sure exactly why the fix worked. Here's the new QML:
Repeater { id: columnCaps model: issViewModel.columnCapList Item { Layout.minimumHeight: wellsGrid.cellBasicHeight_ Layout.minimumWidth: wellsGrid.cellBasicWidth_ Layout.maximumHeight: Layout.minimumHeight Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.minimumWidth Layout.row: Math.floor(index / wellPlateColNames.length) + 1 Layout.column: (index) + (hideRowNames ? 0 : 1) Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter Rectangle { visible: !modelData height: wellsGrid.cellBasicHeight_ * wellPlateRowNames.length width: wellsGrid.cellBasicWidth_ color: 'pink' Text { id: colText text: "remove this cap" } } } }
This is a more direct copy of the code that creates the grid of circles. If I remove these lines:
Layout.minimumHeight: wellsGrid.cellBasicHeight_ Layout.minimumWidth: wellsGrid.cellBasicWidth_
I don't get any columnar spacing. I'd be curious to know why not.
So...a follow-up question: below my grid (which is hidden under the bars), I want to put a legend for the colors of the bar. I'd like this to begin under the column labeled "1", but I'm not sure how to access that position.As a fallback, I'd be happy to use the position of the grid, and add a column width to this, but I'm having trouble converting the (real) number to something I can use in an anchor. Here's the relevant QML:
// the grid layout GridLayout { id: wellsGrid // the wells Repeater { model: wellPlateColNames.length * wellPlateRowNames.length Item { Rectangle { // positioning and formatting here } } } } // end GridLayout // the legend. Row { anchors.top: verticalHighlight.bottom anchors.left: // WHAT TO DO HERE? Rectangle { ... } // more stuff to come here }
So...assuming I can derive a numeric position, how do I use that number as the basis for an anchor?
OK, after doing a little more research, I concluded that it's not possible to perform arithmetic operations on anchor elements. Since I didn't know how to derive position information on the grid elements, I just punted:
Row { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: root.highlightedBarWidth_ // yes, this is a hack.
I'm going to leave this as unsolved for another day or so, in the hopes that someone might have an idea on how to align with a column in the grid.
@mzimmers said in positioning within a grid layout:
Repeater {
id: columnCaps
model: issViewModel.columnCapList
Item {
Layout.minimumHeight: wellsGrid.cellBasicHeight_
Layout.minimumWidth: wellsGrid.cellBasicWidth_
Layout.maximumHeight: Layout.minimumHeight
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.minimumWidthLayout.row: Math.floor(index / wellPlateColNames.length) + 1 Layout.column: (index) + (hideRowNames ? 0 : 1) Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter Rectangle { visible: !modelData height: wellsGrid.cellBasicHeight_ * wellPlateRowNames.length width: wellsGrid.cellBasicWidth_ color: 'pink' Text { id: colText text: "remove this cap" } }
}Add your legend inside your column caps.
Item { id: legend visible: columnindex == 0 // how you can anchor to the column cap, and it doesn't have to be inside if you are not using clip }
@fcarney not sure I follow you. My column caps are:
// column caps Repeater { id: columnCaps model: issViewModel.columnCapList Item { Rectangle { ...
(I've left out the positioning and other stuff.)
Anything I add to this will 1) exhaust the model and 2) be presented to the right of the current columns.
Are you suggesting that I wrap my Repeater in an Item, and add the legend after the Repeater?
@mzimmers said in positioning within a grid layout:
Rectangle {
Put the legend in the Rectangle in your repeater.
Anchor it "outside" of the Rectangle.
anchors.top: rectangle.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 20 -
@fcarney like this?
// column caps Repeater { id: columnCaps model: issViewModel.columnCapList Item { Rectangle { // the legend. Row { visible: (navigationViewModel.screenId === screenName.newSynthesisPreview) && (columnindex === 1) anchors.top: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.topMargin: 20
So...where does columnindex come from?
@mzimmers said in positioning within a grid layout:
So...where does columnindex come from?
Repeater should have an index called "index". "columnindex" is pseudo code for whatever you have available that represents a column index.
Is there a one to one relationship between the model of your repeater and your columns? -
Sorry...got distracted by a phone call (plumbing emergency at home).
@fcarney said in positioning within a grid layout:
Is there a one to one relationship between the model of your repeater and your columns?
This is the model:
QVariantList m_columnCapList; Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList columnCapList MEMBER m_columnCapList NOTIFY columnCapsUpdated)
This is actually an array of bools, one for each column. So I think the answer is "yes."
EDIT: I tried using this:
// column caps Repeater { id: columnCaps model: issViewModel.columnCapList Item { Rectangle { // the legend. Row { visible: (columnCaps.index === 0)
But the legend doesn't display, so I guess I don't have this right.
Doh...I wish Creator would point out my QML errors to me a little more thoroughly...
visible: (index === 0)
This works.
Thanks, fcarney.
In a View delegate index is a property defined in the delegate by the view. Sorry I was not more clear.