Getting binding loop when checking mousearea.containsMouse on a drag operation
I cannot tell why I am getting a binding loop here.
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Dragon Drop: drag to window") ColorAnimation on color { id: rejectAnimation running: false from: "#FCC" to: "#EEE" duration: 1000 } DropArea { id: dropArea anchors.fill: parent keys: ["amet/displaykey"] onEntered: (drag) => { if(drag.proposedAction != Qt.CopyAction){ drag.accepted = false rejectAnimation.start() } } onDropped: (drop) => { var textdata = drop.getDataAsString(keys[0]) if (textdata.length) { if (drop.proposedAction == Qt.CopyAction) { console.log(textdata) drop.acceptProposedAction() } } } } Window { id: side_window title: "drag from window" visible: true width: 400 height: 400 MouseArea { id: mousearea hoverEnabled: true width: parent.width height: parent.height } DragIcon { visible: mousearea.containsMouse dropdata: ({ "display": "some data" }) dragtext: "✋" dragkeys: ["displaykey"] dragmime: {"amet/displaykey":dropdata} } } }
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 Rectangle { id: grab_handle width: 20 height: 20 property int dragwidth: 20 property int dragheight: 20 property string dragtext property string draggedtext: dragtext property var dragkeys: [] property var dragmime: ({}) property var dropdata: ({}) property var dragparent color: "transparent" border.color: "steelblue" border.width: 1 Text { id: drag_text anchors.centerIn: parent text: grab_handle.dragtext } MouseArea { id: drag_mousearea anchors.fill: parent draggable onReleased: { draggable.Drag.drop() } onPressed: draggable.grabToImage(function(result) { draggable.Drag.imageSource = result.url }) Rectangle { id: draggable objectName: "draggable" visible: width: grab_handle.dragwidth height: grab_handle.dragheight color: "transparent" border.color: grab_handle.border.color border.width: 1 property var dropdata: grab_handle.dropdata Drag.hotSpot.x: 0 Drag.hotSpot.y: 0 Drag.keys: grab_handle.dragkeys Drag.dragType: Drag.Automatic Drag.supportedActions: Qt.CopyAction Drag.mimeData: dragmime Drag.onDragFinished: { Qt.callLater(fixpos, x,y) // fixes drag glitches } function fixpos(x, y){ draggable.x = x draggable.y =y } //states: State { //when: //ParentChange { target: draggable; parent: grab_handle.dragparent } //AnchorChanges { target: draggable; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined; anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined } //} Text { id: dragged_text anchors.centerIn: parent text: grab_handle.draggedtext } } } }
I think it has something to do with the mousearea active, but I just don't see why there is a loop.
The error occurs once when starting the drag:
qrc:/DragIcon.qml:47:9: QML Rectangle (parent or ancestor of QQuickDragAttached): Binding loop detected for property "active"
If I don't use mousearea.containsMouse in main.qml to determine visibility it doesn't show this binding loop. Which makes no sense to me.
Everything works as expected so I have been ignoring this. I don't want this to bite me later.Qt 5.15.2 64 bit
Linux -
I found where I learned how to bind to So that part "should" be good. I upgraded from 5.15.1. to 5.15.2 to see if this is a library issue. Not that I can tell.
I just checked and I get the binding loop detection in 5.12.10. So it was not introduced with 5.15.
Are binding loop detections really sensitive? I put an on changed routine on the and it only changes once:
Drag.onActiveChanged: console.log("",
Okay, I found how to make it go away. I am not sure if this is a good solution, but it seems to get rid of the binding loop message and does not seem to affect functionality.
Change this:
To this:
// prevents binding loop with unknown cause Binding on { value: delayed: true }
I have met the same issue and used the same method. Did you get a problem till now caused by using this ?