:-1: warning: libicui18n.so.56, needed by /home/use0/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
There is a historic project here that I had worked on a few years back under Qt 5.11.
Now that I have to make a few changes, I am trying to set up Qt on this Fedora Linux machine that I use. For whatever reason Qt 5.11 is no longer available for d/l...
I tried 5.12 and ever version up to 5.15 but none of them allows me to build the project due to the warning in the subject followed by undefined reference errors that follow...
v. 56 is not available from Fedora repos. It is now on v.57 of ICU library.
How is this supposed to work? -
@In-Fo said in :-1: warning: libicui18n.so.56, needed by /home/use0/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link):
For whatever reason Qt 5.11 is no longer available for d/l
When I am saying that it is not, I am merely conveying the information that I see in the d/l list of the Qt Maintenance Tool. It is not there. The list jumps from 5.9 to 5.12.
I am ready to believe that somewhere on the Internet there are 5.11 files, but they are not included in the official maintenance tool.
Then again, if 5.12 requires v. 56 while only v. 57 is available, how is 5.11 going to help me? -
@In-Fo said in :-1: warning: libicui18n.so.56, needed by /home/use0/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link):
if 5.12 requires v. 56 while only v. 57 is available, how is 5.11 going to help me?
I guess it won't.
But anyway, there should be a copy of libicu18n.so.56 in /home/use0/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib/ (At least it's there when I installed Qt 5.12.9 using the offline installer). See if you can get your libraries to link to that instead of Fedora's version.
Sorry, but I do not follow. What does it mean "to get" and which libraries are "mine"?
It is not clear what steps have to be taken to arrive at a working Qt installation. -
@In-Fo said in :-1: warning: libicui18n.so.56, needed by /home/use0/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link):
which libraries are "mine"?
By "your libraries", I meant the Qt libraries that you installed via the Maintenance Tool. I called it "yours" as opposed to "Fedora's" because it was put there by you instead of Fedora's package manager.
What does it mean "to get"
How familiar are you with dynamically linking libraries on Linux? Have you used tools like
before?/home/use0/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so is supposed to link to /home/use0/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/lib/libicu18n.so.56. It's not clear to me why it is not happening on your machine, so you need to investigate to find out why. Then, you need to make libQt5Core.so link to libicu18n.so.56.
But first: If you installed Qt via the maintenance tool, that means you also installed the Qt Creator IDE. Are you able to launch Qt Creator?