how to find a string in a excel file with qt?
I don't know how to do it.
you have xlsx file and want to search string from qt?
I'm sorry but I do not understand what you want. -
- I don't know how to do it.
Which part of it ?
The sample loops over cells.
All that is left is to compare string?Why did you try so far, please show some code
Thanks for help me.
with your guide was done.
Thank you -
Can other tool open the zip file ? -
The excel file (XLSX) is actually a zip file.
Do you try to give it an old binary format ?
what is the extension of the file? -
@mrjj Here is the code snipped . I need to just read an excel file here. i am using linux machine here and i can open excel file using libreoffice
void MainWindow::readExcelFile(QString excelSheetFile){ QXlsx::Document xlsx("ExcelSheet.xlsx"); qDebug()<<"A1"); qDebug()<<"A2"); qDebug()<<"A3"); qDebug()<<"A4"); qDebug()<<"A5"); qDebug()<<"A6"); qDebug()<<"A7"); for (int row=1; row<10; ++row) { qDebug()<<"Row No : "<<row << xlsx.cellAt(row, 1); if (QXlsx::Cell *cell=xlsx.cellAt(row, 1)) qDebug()<< "Cell Data: " << cell->value(); } }
and the file is indeed an xlsx and not the old xls `?
The file you give it, excelSheetFile
Else convert it with libreOffice