Heob memory leaks analyzer: how to start
Qt Creator and other tools
I have a project compiled with MinGW. I need to check memory leaks.
I downloaded Heob and put both exe-files to C:\heob-3.1 folder.
In Qt Creator I opened my project and pressed Ctrl + Alt + H to start Heob:
After press Ok there is a message:
I downloaded this lib. Put folder 'dwarfstack' to my project folder.
In *.pro file added this:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += "-I../dwarfstack/include"
After pressing 'Ok' my app is starting and Heob-console too.
But in console there is only 'kill' message and no more else.
After closing app there is a next message in qt-output:
What I did wrong?
Thank you! -
Hi sitesv,
I didn't add dwarfstack to the include path, but rather placed the dwarfstack32.dll and dwarfstack64.dll in the same folder as the heob executable, and everything worked fine.
Cheers, Matteo