QT OpenCV Play Pause and Stop Video
Hi @jsulm
I am not implementing endless loops. I have a button that makes "stop" to true when the stop button is pressed. Alright. Any examples on the QTimer so that I can try it out in my code?
@Stevendragoes said in QT OpenCV Play Pause and Stop Video:
I am not implementing endless loops. I have a button that makes "stop" to true when the stop button is pressed
I know, but this is still not how you should implement event driven applications.
You can find examples here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtimer.html
QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &getNewFrame); timer->start(1000); // Change the interval to a value matching your framerate
Here getNewFrame is a lot where you read one frame.
Alright @jsulm, I will try it out and Will update accordingly. Thank you for your assistance
@jsulm and I am guessing getNewFrame is the function that I have to implement so that I get the new frame?
@Stevendragoes said in QT OpenCV Play Pause and Stop Video:
and I am guessing getNewFrame is the function that I have to implement so that I get the new frame?
Hello @jsulm
When I implement getNewFrame, I can't even get the path to print on the text edit. Any Reason why? I know it is triggering every 1 second, and I am trying to append every one second as well? -
qpath is loaded into by FileDialog
@Stevendragoes said in QT OpenCV Play Pause and Stop Video:
Do you assign the path selected in the file dialog to it? Please show your code, else I can only guess.
"I know it is triggering every 1 second, and I am trying to append every one second as well?" - if you did not change the timeout period then yes it is triggered once each second.
@jsulm said in QT OpenCV Play Pause and Stop Video:
Do you assign the path selected in the file dialog to it?
Hello @jsulm
I assighed the qpath after I pressed Load PushButton in the UI
@Stevendragoes Are you sure your timer is actually running? And are you sure you connected the slot for the timer properly?
Please post your code as text, not as screen shot, then it is easier to others to change it if there is something wrong.
cShowVideo::cShowVideo(Ui::MainWindow& ui, std::string& path, QString& qpath, MainWindow &parent) : MainWindow() { timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(getNextFrame())); //ui.textEdit->setText(qpath); timer->start(1000); DisplayVideo(ui,path,parent);
this is my timer code. It starts properly.
when i used qDebug, it shows the text in 1 second which means that the Timer function is working?
However, when I change it to the text edit, as shown below, the text is not appearing as intended
The code printing is as follows:void MainWindow::getNextFrame() { qDebug("Get Next Frame is working"); ui->textEdit->append("GetNextFrame"); }
To show its working, the "Get Next Frame is working" is printing every second
@jsulm Sorry forgot to tag you
@Stevendragoes Do you still have the loop in DisplayVideo?
@jsulm Yes I do have the loop, Should I take it out first?
@Stevendragoes said in QT OpenCV Play Pause and Stop Video:
Should I take it out first?
Of course. As I said before this loop is blocking the event loop, so UI does not work properly.
@jsulm When I commented out the loop, the timer doesn't run anymore.
@Stevendragoes Please comment out DisplayVideo call in cShowVideo
I have commented it out also.
However, what I want is that when I load the video, the timer to start. So, I initialised the timer in the cShowvideo which is a class inherited from the MainWindow().
Is that an incorrect way of doing so? -
@Stevendragoes As I said already: in the slot connected to the timer you get next frame and show it. You need to implement this to make it work.
Yeap. I think I figured it out.
I shifted the initialisation of the timer in the MainWindow.MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent): QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(getNextFrame())); ui->setupUi(this); }
and I used the cShowVideo Class to start the timer when I load the video from the FileDialog
cShowVideo::cShowVideo(Ui::MainWindow& ui, std::string& path, QString& qpath, MainWindow &parent) : MainWindow() { parent.timer->start(1000); ui.textEdit->append(qpath); }
and it works, it is appending every second.