Add VTK library to Qt project
Please_Help_me_Dreplied to SGaist on 3 Dec 2019, 20:05 last edited by Please_Help_me_D 12 Mar 2019, 22:55
@SGaist Seems to me that partially problem was solved.
I added to the main file:#include <vtkAutoInit.h> VTK_MODULE_INIT(vtkRenderingOpenGL2); VTK_MODULE_INIT(vtkInteractionStyle);
I found it here link_1 and here link_2. I can run it only if both PATH and Path variables include path to VTK/bin and "Pure system environment" is checked off.
Here is the result:
As you can see I get some error and warning. What do you think of this?
Here is full error:
ERROR: In D:\Qt\Downloaded\VTK-8.2.0\Rendering\OpenGL2\vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 734
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (000000000016F1C0): We have determined that your graphics system is an Intel SandyBridge based system. These systems only partially support VTK. If you encounter any issues please make sure your graphics drivers from Intel are up to date. -
@SGaist I use laptop and I have two videocards: Intel (native) and Nvidia (external). The error appears only when I run the app with native Intel videocard. If I run it with Nvidia then there is no error. So I think the question is solved. Thank you one more time :)
@SGaist I'm sorry for disturbing you but don't you know why some of VTK examples work and other doesn't?
For example I can run ex1(works) and ex2(works) but I can't launch ex3(not_work)
The output from my app is:
03:02:26: Strart C:\Users\Tasik\Documents\Qt_prj\build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_12_5_MSVC2017_64bit-Release\release\untitled.exe ...
03:02:26: Application unexpectly stopped.
03:02:26: The process was forced to stop.
03:02:26: C:/Users/Tasik/Documents/Qt_prj/build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_12_5_MSVC2017_64bit-Release/release/untitled.exe crashed. -
Do you have the same issue in Debug mode ?
@SGaist yes, the behavior is the same in release and debug mode
In that case, run your application using the debugger. It will allow you to gather more information on what is going on.
@SGaist I can't put a "break point" beacause in this case I get the error: "cdb stopped".
If I just run app in debug mode I get the application output:04:05:17: C: \ Users \ Tasik \ Documents \ Qt_prj \ build-VTK-Desktop_Qt_5_12_5_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug \ debug \ VTK.exe starts ... 04:05:17: The program ended unexpectedly. 04:05:17: The process was completed forcibly. 04:05:17: C: /Users/Tasik/Documents/Qt_prj/build-VTK-Desktop_Qt_5_12_5_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug/debug/VTK.exe failed.
and compiler output:
04:05:17: Steps are being carried out for the VTK project ... 04:05:17: Settings have not changed, the qmake stage is skipped. 04:05:17: It starts: "C: \ Qt \ Tools \ qtcreator-4.10.2 \ bin \ jom.exe" C: \ Qt \ Tools \ qtcreator-4.10.2 \ bin \ jom.exe -f Makefile.Debug 04:05:17: The process "C: \ Qt \ Tools \ qtcreator-4.10.2 \ bin \ jom.exe" completed successfully. 04:05:17: Elapsed time: 00:00.
How did you install the debugger ?
@SGaist I don't know exactly but I think it was installed with Visual Studio 2017. Isn'it?
@Please_Help_me_D said in Add VTK library to Qt project:
No, the debugger in Visual Studio can't be used outside of Visual Studio.
You need to install Debugging Tools for Windows/CDB.
See -
@jsulm thank you
My debugger is in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\cdb.exe
Then I don't know how it was installed. It was already installed by the time when I installed Qt. Should I install some new debugger?
By the way in most application I can set a breakpoint and work with debugger. But in this case it doesn't work. -
I set up CDB path as it said in link text but still doesn't work.
Am I right that if my CDB installed properly then it should run my app and if some problem occurs then an error should appear that more detailed describes my problem? -
Did you check that your debugger is for the right architecture ?
@SGaist I think so. There are several of them for different compilators and architectures and I think Qt choses the right one for my x64 application
Did you check that it's the correct one that is selected for the kit you are using ?
@SGaist Yes. I just checked it
Please_Help_me_Dreplied to SGaist on 10 Dec 2019, 15:56 last edited by Please_Help_me_D 12 Oct 2019, 16:03
And you should not. There's no reason for the build system to try to write to that folder. You should do a full clean rebuild.
Please_Help_me_Dreplied to SGaist on 10 Dec 2019, 22:53 last edited by Please_Help_me_D 12 Oct 2019, 23:35
@SGaist Thank you, I think the problem was solved.
What did I do:
After I rebuild the project I got the error:ERROR: In D:\Qt\Downloaded\VTK-8.2.0\Rendering\Core\vtkTextMapper.cxx, line 550 vtkOpenGLTextMapper (0000000002D23D40): Could not locate vtkTextRenderer object.
Here I saw the solution for that problem. Now to run any VTK example I add:
#include <vtkAutoInit.h> VTK_MODULE_INIT(vtkRenderingOpenGL2); VTK_MODULE_INIT(vtkRenderingContextOpenGL2); // this is for 2D graphics [link]( VTK_MODULE_INIT(vtkInteractionStyle); VTK_MODULE_INIT(vtkRenderingFreeType);
But I'm interested why the error say somethink about D:\Qt\Downloaded\VTK-8.2.0\Rendering\Core\vtkTextMapper.cxx? Here I have only unpacked VTK folder and it is installed in C:\apps\MSVC_apps_debug\VTK
Why the error refers to the folder where VTK was simply downloaded? -
You should take a look at the code where the message is generated. That might give you some clues.