Exception triggered error while going down in Tableview?
Please remove the processEvents() stuff - it's not needed at all. Please also show us the backtrace when it still happens.
I think I found the problem but I son't know the reason?I use hourglass icon while the view process is working
this->setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); QApplication::processEvents(); . . //Process . . this->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); QApplication::processEvents();
When I close these lines than no problem...
Mucip:) -
What happens inside this block and why do you call QCoreApplication::processEvents()?
Hi @Christian-Ehrlicher ,
Some SQL process. I want to show hourglass while retrieving data from PostgreSQL.Code is below,
modelTableAgac->setQuery("SELECT is_emri_detay.sn, is_emri_detay.stok_kod, stok_kart.stok_ad, " "is_emri_detay.recete_birim, is_emri_detay.recete_miktar, is_emri_detay.aciklama " "FROM is_emri_detay LEFT JOIN stok_kart ON stok_kart.stok_kod = is_emri_detay.stok_kod " "WHERE kaynak_sn = " + index.sibling(index.row(), 0).data().toString() +" ORDER BY is_emri_detay.sn;", baglanti::mdb()); ui->tVurunAgaci->setModel(modelTableAgac); ui->tVurunAgaci->resizeColumnsToContents(); ui->tVurunAgaci->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(5, QHeaderView::Stretch); modelTableoperasyon->setQuery("SELECT sn, operasyon_sira_no, tezgah_kod, sure_dk, adam_adet, aciklama " "FROM is_emri_operasyon WHERE kaynak_sn = " + index.sibling(index.row(), 0).data().toString() +" ORDER BY operasyon_sira_no, sn;", baglanti::mdb()); ui->tVOperasyon->setModel(modelTableoperasyon); ui->tVOperasyon->resizeColumnsToContents(); ui->tVOperasyon->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(5, QHeaderView::Stretch);
By the way I ussed it to inform operating system that pointer has changed.
And now I commented it and tred again. Same error happened...Regards,
Mucip:) -
Please remove the processEvents() stuff - it's not needed at all. Please also show us the backtrace when it still happens.
Hi @Christian-Ehrlicher ,
I am so sorry. I have been changing another part of the code. :)I removed ProcessEvents() and now it's OK... :)
Mucip:) -
@Christian-Ehrlicher ,
By the way, what is the problem with ProcessEvents()???Regards,
Mucip:) -
processEvents spins a new eventloop - this means events in the queue are processed which may interfere with your stuff.