Can I enable XSS?
I am experimenting with QWebView. One of the requirements I have is so it could send AJAX requests to other hosts. I.e. the page from my server may need to access web services from other domain. Is it possible?
It looks like I need to work with "QWebSecurityOrigin": - but I don't really understand how to do that...
Isn't it enough to disable the XSS auditor (QWebSettings::XSSAuditorEnabled)? Otherwise you are welcome to make a patch to expose a WebCore::settings via QWebSettings; you'll find how to contribute here: "":
[edit: fixed link / $chetankjain]
Finally I built Qt from Git. XSSAuditorEnabled is not a property I need - I tried it. This is a separate flag - see this "bugreport": I opened.
I commented on the bug report. That should not be a problem to have this in QtWebKit since you have a business case and a patch.