QCompleter question
General and Desktop
Is there a way to have the completer pop up when the user has typed 3 words that are in an array that is passed to QCompleter?
Going by example found here https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwidgets-tools-customcompleter-example.html
I tried something myself but I wasn't able to do it so could someone help? :)
I think you should clarify just what you mean by "user has typed 3 words that are in an array that is passed to QCompleter"? -
Well that is clarified in the example link I posted, its just there the completion popup is activated by a key shortcut like (Ctrl+E) but I want it to always suggest popups when the user is typing
When assigning true to isShortcut then the completer popup only appears when pressing CTRL or Shift