how to get notification of mouse down in menu bar?
i want one signal or notify callback the moment the user clicks in the menu bar, before any menus are actually shown, so i can do some quick pre-processing for some menu items. how do i do this?
like menuBar::aboutToShow(), which doesn't exist? note i do not want the signal sent before EACH menu is shown, only once just before the user starts browsing the entire menu bar
do i filter all events looking for a menu bar click? how would i detect that?
note: i KNOW that's "not how it's done", i don't need suggestions for what else i should do, i just want to know if what i want is possible and if so, how?
@mpergand said in how to get notification of mouse down in menu bar?:
You can retreive the mouse location with [event mouseLocation]
But what i was saying is that the i don't GET an event for a click when the user clicks in the menu bar. Just nothing. So there is no way to ASK for for a mouse location.
You can create an NSObject to receive the notification
OMG that worked! YAY!
You can try this.MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->menuBar->installEventFilter(this); } bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if(obj == ui->menuBar){ if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress){ qDebug() << "Menu bar pressed"; //Make post processing for menu } else if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease){ qDebug() << "Menu bar released"; } } return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); }
I don't think it works on MacOs because the main menu is outside the window frame.
I tryed with native event, I had a "mac_generic_NSEvent" by clicking on the main menu.
Look promising , I didn't go any further anyway :)[edit]
Got more Herebool CocoaNativeEventFilter::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *) { if (eventType == "mac_generic_NSEvent") { NSEvent *event = static_cast<NSEvent *>(message); if ([event type] == NSKeyDown) { // Handle key event qDebug() << QString::fromNSString([event characters]); } } return false; }
thanks for that.
when i try to install that in my menubar object like this:
I get this compile error:
error: no member named 'installNativeEventFilter' in 'QMenuBar'
so i attempt to install it in qApp:
which compiles and runs, but the nativeFilter only gets called for all clicks NOT in the menu bar.
but even if i get that to work, i still must then determine for myself if the user clicked in a menu bar which is complicated by the fact that each display may have a menu bar, i might miss a case.
what i would like is to do is just hook into the existing OS notifications, something like this:
void InstallUpdateMenusEvenHandler() { NSNotificationCenter* notifyRef = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; NSApplication* nsAppRef = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; [notifyRef addObserver:nsAppRef selector: @selector(menuBarClicked:) name: NSMenuDidBeginTrackingNotification object: NULL]; }
but then how do i add
to NSApplication? AFAIK it's not possible to subclass NSApp in Qt ? -
@davecotter said in how to get notification of mouse down in menu bar?:
which compiles and runs, but the nativeFilter only gets called for all clicks NOT in the menu bar.
You can retreive the mouse location with [event mouseLocation]
but then how do i add menuBarClicked: to NSApplication? AFAIK it's not possible to subclass NSApp in Qt ?
You can create an NSObject to receive the notif and emit a signal from here (or use a custom event).
@mpergand said in how to get notification of mouse down in menu bar?:
You can retreive the mouse location with [event mouseLocation]
But what i was saying is that the i don't GET an event for a click when the user clicks in the menu bar. Just nothing. So there is no way to ASK for for a mouse location.
You can create an NSObject to receive the notification
OMG that worked! YAY!