make a transparent Rectangle
there is a nice option you can use, visible: true/false, I hope it is helpful
Can you help with more details on your requirement ? Your question and description confused me. If possible give us your complete qml and tell us what you would like to achieve.
thanks for your answer, unfortunately it does not work.
width: 500
height: 250
color: "transparent"
visible: false
width: 500
height: 250}
the first Rectangle does not exist anymore in my display and the second rectangle which is the App take all the place of my window
Ok, I use a first program in qml which call another program (with the 2 rectangles). The problem is that to shutdown the second program I have to click just on a button which is in the first program. So in the second application I have to make a kind of hole to acces at the firt program. The hole is the first Rectangle.
I hope it is more clear
When you say first program & second program, Are you running two different applications as two different processes ? Is this the case ?
You have two qml files. First.qml & Second.qml. When you click on the first.qml object you are launching the Second.qml object.
Which is your scenario ?
@cosmoff the idea is to make it visible or not according to your need (onClicked: rectangleID.visible=true)
@dheerendra said in make a transparent Rectangle:
running two different applications as two different processes
yes I am running two different applications as two different processes
How are you launching the second program first program ? Are you using QProcess to launch the second program ?
Yes I use a QProcess
@cosmoff said in make a transparent Rectangle:
I have to make a kind of hole to acces at the firt program. The hole is the first Rectangle.
I think you can't create a hole for two separate GUI applications. Also, you can't create a hole making a rectangle transparent.
You can use QProcess to close the second application.
Are you programming also the first program?
If you are programming the second program, Why do you need the first program to close the second program?Really complicated.
In addition to what @CKurdu said, you can't do much from one process to another process. At the most you can monitor the second program from first program using the QProcess finished() signal and do something in the first program. Not very clear about your objective as well.