Check platform on .pro [Solved]
Hi all,
I have a qt project with a .pro file that looks like this:
QT += core gui
...linux-g++ {
INCLUDEPATH += ../qextserialport_x86
QMAKE_LIBDIR += ../qextserialport_x86/build
LIBS += -lqextserialport
linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ {
INCLUDEPATH += ../qextserialport_beagle
QMAKE_LIBDIR += ../qextserialport_beagle/build
LIBS += -lqextserialport
So when I compile for linux desktop (x86) I use some library and when I compile for arm processor I use some other library .The problem is that in my notebook after updating the system it seems that "linux-g++" is not recognized as my platform and it doesn't find library.
What should be the problem?
What updates did you do?
What error messages do you see?
What is the output of qmake?
What is the error output of the make process?
I know I wasn't so clear but it's difficult to explain better.
I can try with another question:
What does it describe the word "linux-g++" or "linux-arm-gnueabi-g++"?
How can I check if the name of my platform is right?I expect that when compiling or cross-compiling my application, the qmake evaluate this:
linux-g++ {
INCLUDEPATH += ../qextserialport_x86
QMAKE_LIBDIR += ../qextserialport_x86/build
LIBS += -lqextserialport
or this:
linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ {
INCLUDEPATH += ../qextserialport_beagle
QMAKE_LIBDIR += ../qextserialport_beagle/build
LIBS += -lqextserialport
@How is this done?
The labels correspond to the so-called mkspec. Usually there is a directory called mkspecs/default within your Qt installation directory. The default dir is actually a symlink that points at the real mkspec for your system.
On my Gentoo linux system I have:
ls -l /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/default
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Mar 31 11:14 /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/default -> linux-g++
@so you can see that my default mkspec is linux-g++. What is yours? (NB your mkspecs may well be in a different location to mine).
If I wanted to compile with a different mkspec for whatever reason (cross-compiling or customised compiler flags etc) then I would specify this on the qmake command line. For example:
@qmake -spec linux-g++-local@
is one I use to have custom compiler flags passed in.
Ok thanks,
now it's more clear.I check this in my notebook.
Thanks to your suggestion I probably solved my problem.
The problem was that after installing Linux in my notebook I copied qt4 folder from my desktop but during this operation it doesn't keep links so "default" became a directory and not a symlink to linux-g++ .
Now I tried with rsync to copy from desktop to notebook and it works!!!
Thanks again.
Indeed, scp does not preserve symlinks. I always prefer to use rsync when doing bulk transfers - it can even preserve ACLs too.
Let us know if you are still having trouble with it once you have had a chance to test it.
I tried with both "linux-arm-gnueabi-g++" and "linux-g++" and now it compile without problem.
Thnaks. :-)
You're welcome. I know these build issues can be frustrating.