Creating User Form in QML
Hi Guyz,
I have to create user form in QML. User Form will contain Text and TextInput as 2 columns respectively.
Field such as First Name, Last Name , User Name , Email, Email1,Email2,Phone,Phone1,Phone2 etc.
By default Email 1,2 Phone 1,2 will be hidden.
All this inputs should be fetched from user. I have created layout successfully using Listview. As my screen is of 1024*600
i cant show all the fields visible at one stretch. At the same time whenever Input Field receives Focus i want to move that particular field to come at the top of the screen above keyboard. I could do that using positionViewAtIndex . Here my row will have dynamic height as i have to show user hints below the text field when it receives focus.What i want is someone to suggest me the better approach to handle this.Should i be using View or layouts or any other approach. Your help is highly appreciated.