Hi this is vishal. Above image is the one which i am working on. When you guys see the image you can see a red circle on the qml component. My question to you guys is that can we put image on top of that qml component or not. If we can, can you guys please provide me the code or technique to do so.Thanks.
The image-upload feature on our forum is broken, you might see the picture but other users don't. Please upload your image to a image hoster of your choice (e.g. postimage.org) and embed the pic here with the following markup:
![alternate text](image-url)
. See also How to insert image on this forum and Hitchhiker's Visual Guide to the Qt Forum. -
@VRonin We really need to get this fixed, it has been broken for months now.
@vishalreddy can you guys see the image now ?
@vishalreddy Yes. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@Wieland ok, if anyone know the solution of the problem please provide me.
@vishalreddy said in QML COMPONENT IMAGE:
My question to you guys is that can we put image on top of that qml component or not.
If we can, can you guys please provide me the code or technique to do so
I never used designer, could you show your code?
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Extras 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 Rectangle { property string vishal: "unit" property int max :100 property int min: 0 property int gaugevalue: 0 width: 400 height: 400 color: "#020202" gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0 color: "#020202" } GradientStop { position: 1 color: "#000000" } } CircularGauge { id: circularGauge x: 17 y: 54 width:328 height:308 value: gaugevalue maximumValue: max minimumValue: min Text { id: text1 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 52 x:117 y: 225 width: 46 height: 26 color: "#f4f2f2" text: qsTr(vishal) font.pixelSize: 12 } } }
Just before
Text {
put something like:Image { id: myImage source: "MyImage.png" anchors.fill: parent }
@VRonin !.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I have provided the image. So, please go through the image and please help me with the problem.
Thanks. -
oh, you mean you want it to appear in the designer icon?
Sorry I misunderstood. As mentioned I never used designer so I'm not qualified to answer that question. Apologies -
@VRonin ok, Thanks. Do we have a code for the image to appear on the designer icon? I have tried various ways using the designer but its not working. If you have a sample code can you please provide me.