QSqlQuery adds records twice
General and Desktop
I have the following code:db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase ("QSQLITE","submit"); db.setDatabaseName (fileQstring ); db.open (); QSqlQuery querys(db); if(!db.open ()) { qDebug() << "The database is not open (submit)!"; } else { qDebug() << "The database is open (submit)!"; } QFile file(fileName); if(file.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "File " << fileName << " is open!"; byteArray = file.readAll (); } else { qDebug() << "File " << fileName << " is NOT open!"; } qDebug() << "Original data " <<byteArray.size() << "bytes."; qDebug() <<"Byte size: " << byteArray.size(); querys.prepare("INSERT INTO Items (ID, Name, Pic, Description, Month, Day, Year, History, Age, Notes, Color, Material, Signed, What)" "VALUES(:ID, :Name, :Pic, :Description, :Month, :Day, :Year, :History, :Age, :Notes, :Color, :Material, :Signed, :What)" ); querys.bindValue (":ID",sID); querys.bindValue (":Name",name); querys.bindValue (":Pic",byteArray); querys.bindValue (":Description",description); querys.bindValue (":Month",month); querys.bindValue (":Day",day); querys.bindValue (":Year",year); querys.bindValue (":History",history); querys.bindValue (":Age",age); querys.bindValue (":Notes",notes); querys.bindValue (":Color",newColor); querys.bindValue (":Material",newMaterial); querys.bindValue (":Signed",newSignedby); querys.bindValue (":What",newWhat); querys.exec (); if(!querys.exec()) { qDebug() <<"Error inserting into the main db!" << querys.lastError (); }
It works fine, but please help me to figure out why it inserts each record twice.
Thank you. -
@gabor53 said:
querys.exec (); << first time
if(!querys.exec()) << next time
{Hi, you exceute it twice :)
bool result = querys.exec ();
{ -
I changed the last few lines like this:bool result = querys.exec (); if(!result) { qDebug() <<"Error inserting into the main db!" << querys.lastError (); }
Now it adds a blank line, all fields with NULL in them. What did I mess up?
Thanks. -
dont know. should work as before. just not inserting twice.