Does really property var mdl: model copies the full model object in memory?
Hello guys,
I faced with this issue that I have to pass forward some data from one QML component to another and thus I createdproperty var mdl: model
here is quite heavy object.
Does QtQuick really copies this in memory or how does it works? and what is the difference withproperty alias
? -
Hi @Kofr,
It is documented here. From the doc:Property aliases are properties which hold a reference to another property. Unlike an ordinary property definition, which allocates a new, unique storage space for the property, a property alias connects the newly declared property (called the aliasing property) as a direct reference to an existing property (the aliased property).
So what I understand from it is that the first assignment (in your example) will copy into a new object while aliases holds the reference.
@Kofr Hi! If you want to be really sure (because you don't trust the docs or your code ^_^) then add something like
qDebug() << "hello";
to the destructor of the model and see how often that's called.