QT 5.4 OpenGL aliasing problem
What QSurfaceFormat setting do I need to set to prevent aliasing?
Currently I'm using:
fmt.setProfile(QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile); fmt.setOption(QSurfaceFormat::StereoBuffers); fmt.setRenderableType( QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL ); fmt.setSamples(4);
How do I post a screen shot?
Another name for the problems maybe Z fighting.
GPU HW is Quadro 5000.
Z-fighting is a completely different issue from aliasing. Maybe you need to set/check/increase the QSurfaceFormat::depthSize property (I've no idea what the default is).
If your z-buffer precision is as good as it can be, glPolygonOffset and/or controlling draw-order are next lines of defence against z-fighting.
I seem to remember the old forum allowed image upload; but maybe I'm thinking of the Jira (bugtracker). The markdown formatting here would let you link to a URL hosted elsewhere though (and maybe include it inline).