[solved] Invisible navigation tree in Qt creator
I have imported an existing project in Qt Creator 2.3.1 by opening the CMakeLists.txt file and in the project tree I can see only the CMakeLists.txt file. I have tried to run cmake in the configuration folder after or before the opening of the file CMakeLists.txt, nothing changes. I have tried to change the location of the project, again, nothing changes (there is no space or special character in the project path).
I am on Windows Seven, with the library qt 4.7.4 compiled with visual C++ 2010, I use the generator nmake.
The project is well imported with Eclipse or Netbeans, and it works with Qt Creator in Linux.
What can I do to get the full navigation tree of the project ?
Thank you,
Siron -
After reinstallation of Qt Creator, the problem is still there. What is also strange is that all the file of the project are well referenced in the cbp file of the project.
After search, I have found this web page
which seems to reference cmake 2.8.6 as the possible cause of the problem. I will try tomorrow with an older version of cmake. -
Please feel free to contribute a patch to fix this:-) The cmake plugin is unfortunately not seeing enough love.