We have started a project of that kind for French: translation of the Qt 4.4 tutorial, some Qt Quarterlies, some Qt Labs, then a bunch of doc. We are using SVN for the first projects; for the doc, we used a totally different system: a DokuWiki, with a tool for importing pages from the doc (written by ourselves). We used a wiki rendering plugin to create the pages we serve to our visitors (basically, a PHP script calling the rendering engine and writing the result in a file).
Why DokuWiki? It does not use any database, so is easily hackable in every chunk of code. Also, it has a plugin system that makes writing new rendering engines really easy (for the other kinds of plugins, we're doing it ... well, not so beautiful a way).
Where you will have problems is pages you don't have translated. What we are doing is downloading it from Nokia's servers, then do some hack to have it render well in our template, and eventually cache it - it costs several seconds for pages like QWidget!
Also, there were things we did not like in the Qt doc: for example, you cannot ask for the page
You're given a 300 error - with a PHP redirector and a .htaccess file, we translate this URL to the file we have.
In practice, this is what it looks like: http://qt.developpez.com/doc/. If you want further details, just ask ;).