@lorn-potter Thanks, tried, can show the widgets but the ui components are too small, any suggestions to solve this issue?
By the way, do you know any way to make the QLineEdit accept non ascii input?This question is related to QTBUG-78826.
I load the fonts already, can paste the words from text file to QLineEdit or print the non ascii characters by program, but the QLineEdit cannot type the non ascii characters on it directly.
QFile ifile(":/fonts/wqy_compress");
auto const font_id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFontFromData(qUncompress(ifile.readAll()));
qDebug()<<__func__<<"font id:"<<font_id;
font_family_ = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(font_id).at(0);
QFont const monospace(font_family_ );
Any suggestions?Thanks