Ok, can reproduce it now: If I go to "http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/diff/QtCreatorWhitepaper":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/diff/QtCreatorWhitepaper and view a diff I can see all the text wrapped neatly in boxes when I use FF. But when I use Chrome I get the cutoff on the right.
So it's a cross browser bug we need to fix, thanks!
If you close it a cookie remembers it for you - and you should not see it again. Unless you switch browser, clear cookies or use another computer etc. Or have an aggressive cookie clearing setting, that would be annoying, I agree.
"OpenID allows you to use an existing account to sign in to multiple websites, without needing to create new passwords." - more details "here":http://openid.net/get-an-openid/what-is-openid
How to get one? check it out "here":http://openid.net/get-an-openid/
yes the timezone UTC is work. I jus need to complitly my fropile and I need in my frofile is true about my data.
if Indonesia timezone add in localization Im verry HAPPY. because Im from Indonesia.
bq. you are not logged on, you only get old entries….
more than old entries, there is no order that I could recognize in the entries shown. there were items posted a couple of days ago too, but somewhere in the middle of the threads and when I tried what you did, i got 13 pages of results but again in no recognizable order ...
Server side spell checking is not high up on our list, the browser just does a much better job of it. But I second "lyuts":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/member/1134 idea of adding it to our guidelines in a way that doesn't alienate non-native writers (like me!).
There are no guidelines, but I don't think that it is a good tag too. Tag is some keyword to search for it. I really don't think someone will search for such tag. It is more suitable for text search, not for tag search.