Error to Build the QMYSQL Plugin on macOS High Sierra
I am following the procedure shown in the qt documentation, but when trying to build the QMysql plugin it shows me the following error, make: *** No rule to make target `sub-mysql '. Stop. I have a question about the address to use in MYSQL_PREFIX =. I leave the screenshot with the addresses you use. Thanks for the help.
is likely incomplete. You have to provide that path where the MySQL files can be found. -
@Silderan said in Error to Build the QMYSQL Plugin on macOS High Sierra:
configure script
Hi, Which configure script ??
@Albert-Huert You need to provide the path to MySQL (the one containing lib and include)
In this doc you'll find:
So, to setup the building you deed to execute some like this:
configure -sql-mysql MYSQL_PREFIX=<path-where-mysql-libs-and-headers-are>
Configure script (in your case) is in$QTDIR/Users/eduardo/Qt/5.11.1/Src/
After that, you're able to run the qmake command as you did. But check where your MySQL headers and libs are. Maybe, as @SGaist and @jsulm said, /user/local/ it's not where this files are.
I have searched the web and in books how to connect to my database and they say that I should add the file, but I have already downloaded all versions of MySQL and do not have that file only dynamic and static libraries. Does anyone know what version of MySQL that file has ??